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Wigfield : The Can-Do Town That Just May Not - Amy Sedaris


The Can-Do Town That Just May Not

By: Amy Sedaris, Paul Dinello, Stephen Colbert

Hardcover | 7 May 2003

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A hilarious illustrated satire of a Lake Wobegon gone hideously wrong and the earnest reporter who hopes to save it from extinction Wigfield is a town in danger. Built directly in front of a massive dam, this bucolic hideaway will soon be flooded when the dam is torn down by the state government to restore the salmon run. Wigfield's only hope lies in the self-righteous, self-aggrandizing, self-involved "journalist" Russell Hokes, who arrives hoping to capture the quiet dignity of the disappearing American Small Town. However, Wigfield is neither quiet nor dignified. And as the date of Wigfield's destruction draws nearer, Hokes casts about like a cork in a typhoon desperate to find something about Wigfield worth documenting--or saving. Told through interviews with its many colorful residents, and accompanied by photos of the authors in character, Wigfield is a razor-sharp satire by three major talents. Praise for Wigfield

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