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Wild and Exotic Animal Ophthalmology : Volume 2: Mammals - Bret A. Moore

Wild and Exotic Animal Ophthalmology

Volume 2: Mammals

By: Bret A. Moore (Editor), Gil Ben-Shlomo (Editor), Fabiano Montiani-Ferreira (Editor)

Paperback | 22 June 2023

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This Volume 2 of a two-volume work is the first textbook to offer a practical yet comprehensive approach to clinical ophthalmology in wild and exotic mammals. A phylogenetic approach is used to introduce the ecology and importance of vision across the entire diversity of mammal species before focusing on both the diverse aspects of comparative anatomy and clinical management of ocular disease from one animal group to the next. Edited by three of the most esteemed authorities in exotic animal ophthalmology, this two-volume work is separated into non-mammalian species (Volume 1: Invertebrates, Fishes, Amphibians, Reptiles, and Birds) and Mammals (Volume 2: Mammals).

Wild and Exotic Animal Ophthalmology, Volumes 1 and 2 is an essential collection for veterinary ophthalmologists and other veterinary practitioners working with wild and exotic animals.

Industry Reviews
"This book comprises 579 pages and offers excellent overviews of wild and exotic animal ophthalmology. We highly recommend this book to be accessible for comparative vision scientists and clinical veterinarians, including general practitioners, wildlife and exotic specialists, and comparative ophthalmologists. The book should be useful for a wide variety of professionals in various domains, from beginners to experts, to provide essential knowledge and insights for anyone interested in animal vision or eye problems." (Kudratullah Kudratullah and Ikhsan Qodri Pramartaa, International Journal of Primatology, Vol. 44 (3), 2023)

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