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Wild Born : Spirit Animals : Book 1 - Brandon Mull

Wild Born

Spirit Animals : Book 1

By: Brandon Mull

Paperback | 1 October 2013 | Edition Number 1

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Read the book. Unlock the game.

Four children separated by vast distances all undergo the same ritual watched by cloaked strangers. Four flashes of light erupt and from them emerge the unmistakable shapes of incredible beasts: a wolf, a leopard, a panda, a falcon.

Suddenly the paths of these children — and the world — have been changed forever.

Enter the world of Erdas where every child who comes of age must discover if they have a spirit animal — a rare bond between human and beast that bestows great powers to both. A dark force has risen from distant and long-forgotten lands and has begun an onslaught that will ravage the world.

Now the fate of Erdas has fallen on the shoulders of four young strangers... and on you.

Part engrossing book series, part action role-playing game — discover your spirit animal and join the adventure.