Will Abortion Make Me Happy? : Letters and Essays On Life Issues - John C. Wilhelmsson

Will Abortion Make Me Happy?

Letters and Essays On Life Issues

By: John C. Wilhelmsson

Paperback | 12 June 2017

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In the early twenty-first century a philosophy instructor faced with the assignment of teaching a "Moral Issues" course decided to engage in an experiment in how to teach ethics. Rather than asking whether a given issue was right or wrong he decided to ask his students whether engaging, or not engaging, in certain actions would make them happy? In doing so he was tapping in on the wisdom of classical ethics and changing the subject of such discussions from divisive arguments over competing moral codes to, what the ancients have always insisted ethics really is, a conversation about personal happiness. So begins this unique book about the abortion issue. It also features real life letters to the editor on the topic, a look at some historical aspects of the issue, and a look at how modern science has changed the way young people think about abortion. Perhaps the most unique look at the issue in a long time, "Will Abortion Make Me Happy?" is worth a place on the reading list of anyone interested in moral issues, ethics, or the abortion issue.

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