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William Blake's Jerusalem Explained : The First Full-Scale Line by Line Analysis - Dr David Whitmarsh-Knight

William Blake's Jerusalem Explained

The First Full-Scale Line by Line Analysis

By: Dr David Whitmarsh-Knight

Paperback | 26 February 2008

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William Blakes Jerusalem Explained is the first line by line analysis of this major epic, his plot and mythic unity are detailed and the golden string of the plot clearly expressed so the parts are in context an aesthetic whole. Thereby, his epic is seen as an aesthetic masterpiece. Dr Whitmarsh-Knights scholarship means Jerusalem should no longer be presented as fractal, plotless, impenetrable or as confused. In his recommendations for the companion book on William Blakes The Four Zoas by Dr Whitmarsh-Knight, Emeritus Professor Frederick Cogswell wrote that his scholarship is a: remarkable contribution, a major breakthrough that challenges the views of some greats in the field, a significant contribution to knowledge and eminently worthy of publication. Blakes genius for conscious plot construction and chronological narrative design in Jerusalem can be clearly followed on a scholarly readable line by line basis. Now his genius is accessible to the visionary imagination of the reader.

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