Winston and the Indoor Cat - Leila Rudge

Winston and the Indoor Cat

By: Leila Rudge

Paperback | 3 January 2023

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A story about seeing what life is like on the other side of the window. Now in paperback!

Two very different cats, Winston, a free-spirited explorer, and The Indoor Cat, lover of leisure, form a friendship and show each other how different their lives could be. Can The Indoor Cat be enticed by outdoor adventure? Will Winston be tempted by a life of indoor luxury?

About the Author

Leila Rudge is the award-winning and much-loved author/illustrator of Ted (2013), her first picture book as both author and illustrator, A Perfect Place for Ted (2014) and Gary (2016). Winston and the Indoor Cat follows in this tradition.

She has also illustrated a number of picture books in partnership with author Meg McKinlay, including Duck for a Day (2010), No Bears (2011), Once Upon a Small Rhinoceros ((2017) and Let Me Sleep, Sheep! (2019).

Leila grew up in England but headed to Australia after completing an Illustration Degree at Bath Spa University.. She lives in Newcastle NSW.

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