Winter Vegetables : Guide to Growing Vegetables at Home in Winter - Sir John Baker

Winter Vegetables

Guide to Growing Vegetables at Home in Winter

By: Sir John Baker

Booklet | 23 May 2017

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Winter vegetable gardening is something that most gardeners shy away from mostly because the weather is not quite conducive as it is in the summer and spring seasons. Despite the challenges that gardeners face during winter season, it's still possible to make the most out of the season by planting cold hardy vegetables that are capable of adapting well to the freezing winter temperatures. Winter season is a time when most gardeners take a break from active gardening which then results to low supply and high costs of fresh vegetables. You can save on the high costs by having your own winter vegetable garden. To get the most out of your winter gardening process, you will need a clear step by step guide on how to go through the process. There are winter vegetable gardening strategies and techniques that have been proven to yield great results if properly implemented. This book illustrates the following things: -How to grow winter vegetables -Ways to follow -Dealing with pests -Harvesting and storing the vegetables

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