Wood Or Wood Not - Party Game : A Juvenile Party Game For So-Called Adults - Steve Jackson Games

Wood Or Wood Not - Party Game

A Juvenile Party Game For So-Called Adults

By: Steve Jackson Games (Created by)

Game | 27 June 2019

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Wood or Wood not? is an adult party game of amorous embarrassment.

Players choose an orange card (person) and a black card (situation) from their hand and plays them. The goal is to create the most desirable situation or the most undesirable one for spending “quality time” with the person in the scenario (a graceful dancer – downwind of a pile of burning tires, a well-built ski instructor – in a pond full of leeches. Players read their cards aloud and then use their vote cards to judge the other suggestions. The player with the most appropriate votes scores two points. The first player to score six points wins.

The box includes 197 cards and rules

3–8 Players
Playing Time 20 Min

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