Work From Wherever - Lisa Messenger

Work From Wherever

By: Lisa Messenger

Paperback | 1 August 2019

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Product Description
It’s predicted there will be 1 billion digital nomads by 2035. Many of the world’s most iconic companies are shutting their headquarters to allow their employees to work from anywhere, with unlimited vacation and total autonomy.

In 2018, after a milestone year for Collective Hub and 17 years of having a fixed office and many full time staff, Lisa closed the brand’s physical office, decentralised the team …. and caught a plane to the other side of the world. But this wasn’t your average holiday!

In Work from Wherever, the entrepreneur, author and speaker shares the lessons she learnt rebuilding a brand on the move and the incredible nomads she met on her travels. Combining personal anecdotes with advice from inspiring globe-trotters, roaming employees and untethered founders, this book will ignite your wanderlust, speak to your inner freedomseeker and provide practical tips for blazing your own trail.