World War Z : An Oral History of the Zombie War - Max Brooks
Screen Tie-In

World War Z

An Oral History of the Zombie War

By: Max Brooks

Paperback | 16 May 2013 | Edition Number 1

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Film tie-in edition for the upcoming movie blockbuster of World War Z starring Brad Pitt.

It began with rumours from China about another pandemic. Then the cases started to multiply and what had looked like the stirrings of a criminal underclass, even the beginnings of a revolution, soon revealed itself to be much, much worse.

Faced with a future of mindless, man-eating horror, humanity was forced to accept the logic of world government and face events that tested our sanity and our sense of reality.

Based on extensive interviews with survivors and key players in the 10-year fight-back against the horde, World War Z brings the very finest traditions of American journalism to bear on what is surely the most incredible story in the history of civilisation.

About the Author

Max Brooks is the author of 2003's prescient Zombie Survival Guide : Complete Protection from the Living Dead. He has since received hundreds of awards and honorary degrees from around the world. Last year he received the joint Papal and UN citation, Pro Humanitate.
Industry Reviews
'An absolute must-have ... Brooks infuses his writing with such precise detail and authenticity, one wonders if he knows something we don't' Simon Pegg 'As a horror story, it's exciting. As a parable, it's terrifying' Empire 5* review 'Max Brooks really is the godfather of all the zombie stories' The Sun 'It's Apocalypse Now, pandemic style' USA Today

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