Section One Chapter Focus Author Region The global construction of childhood development and learning Marilyn Fleer, Mariane Hedegaard, Jonathan Tudge, and Alan Prout NB: Authorship order may change A cultural-ecological perspective on childhood aaC--" African perspective Jonathan Tudge, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA Africa Western influences on post-Soviet education Joe Elliott, University of Durham Russia Sociological critiques of psychological perspectives on children aaC--" their impact on institutional practices William Corsaro, Indiana University, USA North America Locating the learning context aaC--" Pacific journey and the FaaaC--(t)aSamoa Suatu Gualo, Monash University, Australia South Pacific Development and learning as activist projects: learning from and expanding VygotskyaaC--(t)s approach Anne Stetsenko, The Graduate Centre, City University of New York USA The power of motives: the interaction between biological constraints and activity in the development of children Louise Bottcher, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Denmark Play and learning aaC--" the learning and relearning of play in contemporary societies Elena Kravtsova, Russian State University for the Humanities, L.S. Vygotsky Psychology Institute, Russia. Russia Activity systems within schools aaC--" the voice of special education Harry Daniels, University of Bath, UK) UK Section Two Global politics shaping local childhoods Marilyn Fleer, Mariane Hedegaard, Jonathan Tudge, and Alan Prout NB: Authorship order may change Global-local practice informing research and research informing global-local practice Seth Chaiklin, Bath University, UK, Mariane Hedegaard Scandinavia Are universal views of aaC--EudevelopmentaaC--(t) and aaC--EulearningaaC--(t) being constructed or politicized? aaC--" when home culture works and western schooling mean different things Ernest Kofi Davis. University of Cape Coast, Ghana Africa How are assessment or accountability measures being developed, sanctioned and policed - Indigenous learning perpectives Denise Williams-Kennedy, Yiparinya community, Marilyn Fleer, Ana, Mantilla, Trish Rivalland, Monash University, Australia Australia Views of childhood in Turkey aaC--" the global-local tension Cigdan KaAYitcibaAYi, or Artin Goncu, US European continent Intent community participation aaC--" learning in communities in the Americas Barbara Rogoff et al., University of Santa Cruz, California Americas Family contexts and how they position children as active agents in local and global contexts Mariane Hedegaard, Jytte Bang; University of Copenhagen; Marilyn Fleer Monash University Denmark and Australia Developmental teaching in schooling in the Netherlands Bert van Oers, Free University Amsterdam, The Netherlands Europe Development of participation on social practice: How does local social practice impact on global issues of childhood? Charlotte Hojholt, Roskilde University, Denmark Scandinavia Section Three The politics of childhood research Marilyn Fleer, Mariane Hedegaard, Jonathan Tudge, and Alan Prout NB: Authorship order may change Historical and comparative analyses of early childhood policies in the US and Brazil Lia Freitas Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Americas Kenyan learning in the context of political and NGO imperatives Dolphine Odero, Egerton University Africa Methodological constraints and affordances in childhood studies Angela Bronco, Brasilia University, Brazil Americas Majority world perspectives on childhood research Nirmala Rao, University of Hong Kong Asia An OECD perspective on policy and childhood research Collette Taylor, formally OECD Europe Policy imperatives aaC--" Joined up Government discourses and constructions of childhood research across institutions Anne Edwards, Oxford University, UK UK Global-local orientations in researching childhood Jaan Valisner, Clark University, Worchester, USA) US Emerging or silenced research contexts for childhood studies Samantha Punch, University of Sterling