Y Tu Mam i Tambien (2001), an intelligent and sensual road movie directed by Alfonso Cuaron and co-written by him and his brother Carlos, is both an acclaimed feature by a director who would go on to win Oscars and a box office success abroad and in its native Mexico, where it was the biggest grossing local film of all time. Its teenage protagonists Gael Garcaa Bernal and Diego Luna went on to be major stars of global cinema.
Yet on its release the film was vilified by established Mexican critics as a coarse comedy and 'Penthouse fantasy' of youthful lust for an older woman. Paul Julian Smith's lucid study of the film argues that Y Tu Mam i Tambien not only addresses with playful seriousness such major issues as gender, race, class, and space, which are yet more urgent now than they were on its release; but that the film's apparently casual aesthetic masks a sophisticated audiovisual style, one which brings together popular genre film and auteurist experiment.
Smith suggests Y Tu Mam i Tambien remains an example for world cinema of how a very local film can connect with a global audience that is ignorant of such niceties. Combining production and distribution history, based on unexplored material held in Mexico City archives, with close textual analysis, Smith makes an argument for Cuaron's film as an enduring masterpiece that hides in plain sight as an ephemeral teen movie.
Industry Reviews
Smith writes with the fluency of an award-winning journalist and the analytical sharpness of the leading academic that he is. This is an essential and highly readable book for anyone who wants to learn the story of Y tu mama tambien and understand how it has become a classic film of Mexican and international cinema. -- Deborah Shaw, University of Portsmouth, UK
Paul Julian Smith combines a breadth of knowledge of Mexican film with insights from online fan cultures in this broad ranging, distinctive, and highly readable book. It is a must for those studying both Y tu mama tambien and Mexican film culture. -- Niamh Thornton, Liverpool University, UK
Paul Julian Smith has written the essential book on what I consider to be Mexico's best film of the century so far. With a deep knowledge of its production and circulation, this book provides readers not only with a comprehensive study of Y tu mama tambien, but also with a model on how to write a book that is at the same time rigorous and readable. -- Ignacio M. Sanchez Prado, Washington University in St. Louis, USA.