You Can Do It, Sam : Sam Books - Amy Hest

You Can Do It, Sam

By: Amy Hest, Anita Jeram (Illustrator)

Paperback | 14 August 2007

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"Endearing characters add to the sweetness and fulfillment that younger children will identify with, making this third Sam and Mrs. Bear story quite a delicious morsel." — Kirkus Reviews

"Little ones will find this both a suitable precursor to nap time and a spur to be brave and act generously — just like Sam." — Booklist

Mrs. Bear and Sam are baking cakes for their friends.

Other Books By Anita Jeram

Guess How Much I Love You : Guess How Much I Love You - Sam McBratney
Guess How Much I Love You : My Baby Book - Sam McBratney
Guess How Much I Love You Snuggle Book : Guess How Much I Love You - Sam McBratney
Guess How Much I Love You : The Pop-Up Edition - Sam McBratney
Skip to the Loo! : A Potty Book - Sally Lloyd-Jones
Guess How Much I Love You in the Winter : GUESSHM - Sam McBratney
Guess How Much I Love You in the Spring : GUESSHM - Sam McBratney
Will You Be My Friend? - Sam McBratney


Guess How Much I Love You : The Pop-up Edition - Sam McBratney
Guess How Much I Love You : Pocket Pop-up - Sam McBratney
Don't You Feel Well, Sam? : Sam Books - Amy Hest
You're All My Favorites - Sam McBratney


One More Tickle : Guess How Much I Love You - Sam Mcbratney