You're a Fake! You'll Be Back! - L J

You're a Fake! You'll Be Back!

Author: L J

At a Glance

Published: 27th January 2025

Digital Audiobook


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There is a phrase, "See you back in 30 days", which is told to some people who leave a treatment center or a prison.

It is referring to the reality that changes are very difficult on a deeper level, and that there is widespread disbelief that anyone can really achieve great changes, or make such changes last forever - "stick", if you will.

Why is change so hard? Why the phrase, "You have simply put a band-aid on the problem, and you need to get to the root of the issues"?

What is the root of the issue? Is there only one root issue?

Discussed in this audiobook is the concept of those who have claimed to have overcome some issue in their lives, such as chemical drugs - including alcohol, cocaine, meth, or heroin. Also talked about, is overeating. And sex.

This audiobook also addresses the use of Methadone, Suboxone, and Naltrexone. And the concept of a Dual Diagnosis, and a "broken brain".

It also talks about how being of a certain gender could be called a genetic "issue", in that one is disadvantaged in certain ways, in a violent urban area, say.

The audiobook talks about fad diets, and the idea of defense mechanisms, otherwise termed "crutches", or "drugs of choice", or "coping mechanisms".

This narrator also talks of the role of how we frame things, with our words, and how poor words make for much unnecessary anger and fear.

There is also discussion of the role of culture, and how various dysfunctional cultural aspects can be like hiking on The Appalachian Trail with a 100 pound backpack, which is about what it is like for everyone on this planet, only, the type of backpack - burden, varies. Some refer to this as having had their "rights taken away", but this audiobook author prefers not to see it in these terms. The phrase likely is referring to a massive burden - or constraint, if you will - that some have to carry, and some do not.

Mention is made, too, of Napoleon Hill and his audiobook, "How to Own Your Own Mind".

Finally, but not least, there is discussion of how, regardless of how a person may or may not have overcome an "addiction", there is still something they may in fact have permanently overcome: a former viewpoint that they were perfect in one or more ways. The narrator discusses the ways this typically plays out.

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