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Your Best Body - Michelle Bridges

Your Best Body

By: Michelle Bridges

Paperback | 30 January 2013 | Edition Number 1

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Want to be the best possible version of you? Who wouldn't?!

Michelle Bridges, Australia's most successful diet and fitness expert, gives you the tools you need to achieve a healthy mind and a healthy body, so that you can make positive changes and embrace new possibilities.

From getting your head right and knowing which foods you should eat to maximise healthy vitality, to exercising effectively to burn fat and give you more energy, this book is one-stop shop for getting the most out of yourself.
  • A sample two-week exercise program so you can build your own workouts
  • A great glossary of exercise so you'll never be bored!
  • 30 fresh new recipes
  • Up-to-date information on superfoods
With positive thinking techniques, delicious, nutritious dishes and comprehensive training programs, Your Best Body gives you everything you need to achieve your goals, whether it's losing weight or working a slammin' set of shoulders, a tight midsection and a great pair of legs.

So, what are you waiting for? Let's Go!

About the Author

Michelle Bridges became a household name when she first appeared as a trainer on Channel Ten's hit reality weight-loss show The Biggest Loser. She is now Australia's most recognised personal trainer, having worked in the fitness and weight-loss industry for over two decades. Michelle is also highly sought after as a motivational speaker.

Her bestselling books include Crunch Time, Crunch Time Cookbook, Losing the Last 5 Kilos, Michelle Bridges: 5 Minutes a Day and The No Excuses Cookbook.

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