African Recipes are absolutely particular and characteristic preparations of the territory, which symbolize, together with the ingredients and cooking methods, the profound gastronomic culture of this wonderful, magical and fascinating nation of the World.
Usually, African recipes feature absolutely simple and tasty ingredients, such as, for example, fresh fruit, vegetables and fish: a place of honor must then be reserved for meat, with a great predominance of lamb, present in numerous typical preparations. In this sense, among the main recipes of African cuisine, we can certainly mention the Egyptian Rolls, which as their name suggests, are a typical preparation of Egypt, but also the Cod with Mint, the Pork with Herbs and the desserts, symbolized by the Coconut Desserts, particularly inviting.
Africa can be divided into two large areas, from an ethnic point of view: North Africa, predominantly Muslim, and Central-Southern Africa, also called Black Africa.
The latter can be further divided into three areas:
• The Sahel states, which include Mauritania, Mali, Niger and Chad. The Sahel is an immense flat and predominantly desert area inhabited by mostly nomadic and pastoral populations, who have been heavily influenced by Arab culture.
• Central-Western Africa, whose most important states are Senegal, Guinea, Nigeria, Cameroon, Congo and Zaire. It is a very rainy area and rich in water due to the presence of large rivers such as the Niger and Congo.
• Southern Africa, which has very large plateaus and a flat coastal strip, where livestock farming and agriculture are practiced.