• Explains how animals that live alongside humans are lightworkers helping to raise the vibration of collective consciousness and aid in humanity's ascension process
• Shares example stories of incredible animal Wayshowers from around the world whose actions and sacrifices on behalf of their human companions changed them all for the better
• Offers meditations, rituals, and transformational soul practices to embrace 5D frequencies, intuit heart intelligence, connect to the Higher Self, and heal the shadow
Animals are natural holders of 5D consciousness. The extraordinary animals who have chosen, at a soul level, to live alongside humans are lightworkers on the front lines of the animal kingdom's mission to help people to heal, evolve, and attune to their divine purpose as well as assist in raising the vibration of the planet and collective consciousness to 5D.
As Tammy Billups reveals, once we become aware of the soul path of our animal companions, we are then able to connect with them soul-to-soul, not only supporting their soul missions but also finding the healing we need to let go of 3D reality and begin making the transition to 5D. Sharing example stories of incredible animal Wayshowers from around the world whose actions and sacrifices on behalf of their human companions changed them all for the better, she explores the many levels of service your beloved animal friends are providing you each and every day, including during disasters, storms, pandemics, and even from beyond the physical. She shows how they help shoulder the psychological and emotional burdens we are not yet capable of holding on our own and show us the way back to our own hearts. Presenting guidance to help animals succeed in their goal of raising consciousness, the author offers meditations, rituals, and exercises for applying the teachings of the animal stories shared, including transformational soul practices to embrace 5D frequencies, intuit heart intelligence, connect to the Higher Self, and heal the shadow.
Offering ways to embrace and emulate the soul teachings of our animal companions, Tammy Billups shows that, by honoring animals as courageous guides on our ascension to 5D consciousness, we too can become Wayshowers in our own right.