Introduction. Part I: AutoCAD 101.
Chapter 1: Introducing AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT.
Chapter 2: Le Tour de AutoCAD 2010.
Chapter 3: A Lap around the CAD Track.
Chapter 4: Setup for Success.
Chapter 5: Planning for Paper.
Part II: Let There Be Lines.
Chapter 6: Manage Your Properties.
Chapter 7: Preciseliness Is Next to CADliness.
Chapter 8: Down the Straightaway.
Chapter 9: Dangerous Curves Ahead.
Chapter 10: Get a Grip on Object Selection.
Chapter 11: Edit for Credit.
Chapter 12: A Zoom with a View.
Part III: If Drawings Could Talk.
Chapter 13: Text with Character.
Chapter 14: Entering New Dimensions.
Chapter 15: Down the Hatch.
Chapter 16: The Plot Thickens.
Part IV: Advancing with AutoCAD.
Chapter 17: The ABCs of Blocks.
Chapter 18: Going Dynamic and External.
Chapter 19: Call the Parametrics!
Chapter 20: Drawing on the Internet.
Part V: The Part of Tens.
Chapter 21: Ten Great AutoCAD Resources.
Chapter 22: Ten Differences between AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT.
Chapter 23: Ten System Variables to Make Your Life Easier.