Th? Fr?n?h d??t ??n b? summed u? ?n ?n? ??nt?n??: eat ?m?ll ??rt??n? ?f high-quality f??d? less ?ft?n. Th? French ??t d?wn t? thr?? l???ur?l? m??l? each day. Even th??r fast-food m??l? ?r? lengthy ??m??r?d t? the t?????l Am?r???n'?. A ?tud? ?n P???h?l?g???l Science f?und th?t P?r????n? who dined ?t M?D?n?ld'? ???nt ?n average of 22 m?nut?? eating, wh?l? Ph?l?d?l?h??n M?D?n?ld'?-g??r? w?r? ?n and out in just 14 m?nut??.
Our culture r??nf?r??? speed-eating, ju?t ?? ?t ?n??ur?g?? ru?h?ng through ?v?r?th?ng ?l??. Th? problem ?? th?t f??t?r ??t?ng leads t? ??t?ng m?r?. It takes ?n ?v?r?g? of 15 minutes for ??ur br??n t? g?t th? m????g? that ??ur stomach ?? full, which m??n? th?t ??t?ng ?l?wl? m?k?? ?t m?r? likely ??u'll ?t?? at ? point wh?r? ??u'r? "??t??f??d" ?? ??????d to "?tuff?d." It's ?????r to ??t slowly wh?n your meal ??tu?ll? t??t?? g??d, ?? the Fr?n?h d??t ?hun? processed f??d? ?n f?v?r of anything fresh and r??l.
Th? French t?????ll? ??t ?n ??ur??? -- ????t?z?r, entree, ??l?d, d????rt, ?h????, ?nd ??ff??. But th?? d?n't ??g ?ut. Th?? h?v? n? r????n to, b???u?? th?? kn?w ?n?th?r cour?? ?? ??m?ng. At h?m?, w? suggest serving ??ur??lf ?n ?m?unt th?t looks like n?t ?u?t? enough, while planning t? g? b??k f?r ????nd?. Eat slowly, g?v?ng your br??n time to feel full, and you'll ?ft?n f?nd you've h?d ?n?ugh. If n?t, ??u can h?v? ????nd? gu?lt-fr??, since th?t'? what you intended t? d? fr?m the ?t?rt.