Blake's Monster Bites: Recipes To Tame Any Appetite : Kaiju Task Force, #4 - Benjamin Stetser


Blake's Monster Bites: Recipes To Tame Any Appetite

Kaiju Task Force, #4

By: Benjamin Stetser

eBook | 14 February 2025

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Hey folks, Blake here!

When I'm not busy wrangling kaiju or saving the world from colossal chaos, I like to unwind in the kitchen. Yeah, you heard me right—cooking! Ever since Omega Blood turned the ecosystem upside down, there's been a whole buffet of new ingredients to play with. Mutant mushrooms? Check. Glowberry jam? Oh, you bet. So, I figured, why not channel my downtime into something delicious?

This is my first attempt at writing a cookbook, so, uh, cut me some slack, alright? Together, I'm confident we can whip up some epic dishes (and hopefully not any kitchen kaiju).

If you're reading this, chances are you already know me—Blake, leader of the Kaiju Task Force, professional kaiju wrangler, and occasional cryptid chaser. For those who don't, here's the quick rundown: I'm from upstate New York, not the city. Big difference. I work at the Philadelphia Zoo when I'm not saving humanity or blowing stuff up. I also used to hunt cryptids for fun—Bigfoot, Mothman, you name it. But these days, there's no time for the classics; Omega Blood has spawned a whole new lineup of weirdos, like the human-sized slime monster that lurks in the Mississippi bogs. Yeah, not exactly what I signed up for, but hey, we adapt.

Anyway, back to the food. I'm not saying I'm special, but my cooking? People seem to think it is. Case in point: my kaiju BBQ ribs. Seriously, they're so good even a hungry kaiju might pause mid-rampage for a bite.

So, buckle up, grab a spatula, and let's cook like the world depends on it—because, honestly, it just might.

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