BOOKPLATES: THE ART OF THIS CENTURY is a new annual directory of the world's top artists, engravers, and printmakers. The bookplate or "ex libris" is a personal mark of ownership that has been used by individuals and libraries for over 5.5 centuries. The bookplate is a label that shows pride in a collection of books. ----Since the 15th century books have been in print and bookplates have been used to identify precious editions. Many noteworthy artists and book lovers have given serious attention to bookplate design. Some artists include: Albrecht Durer, Thomas Bewick, Paul Revere, Marc Chagall, Aubrey Beardsley, Rockwell Kent. Some book lovers include: George Washington, Charles Dickens, J. P. Morgan, Henry Ford, Jack London, John F. Kennedy, Walt Disney, and others too numerous to mention. ----This new e-book serves as an introduction to contemporary international bookplate art and is published by the American Society of Bookplate Collectors & Designers (ASBC&D est. 1922). Included are works by 130 artists, representing 31 countries with over 300 bookplate images. Brief biographies, artists' quotations along with opinions from collectors and artists regarding the future of this graphic art form. ----Author/Director: JAMES P KEENAN. ----Foreward: CLIFF PARFIT. ----Cover Design: NURGÃœL ARIKAN. ----Book Design: PATRICIA GARCIA. ----The ASBC&D is a USA 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Proceeds from this e-book will be used for advancing the interest in international bookplate art. This includes marketing, our popular traveling exhibitions, and the limited print edition of this book. For further information, please visit us at: