Experiences and discourses of sexuality and gender
By: Ian Rivers
eText | 16 January 2013 | Edition Number 1
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Bullying: Experiences and Discourses of Sexuality and Gender provides a valuable insight into the experiences of young people and how bullying can impact upon them in the school environment. The book offers an introduction to the key issues associated with bullying on the grounds of sex and sexual orientation, and points to key policies and guidance on these difficult issues.
With cutting-edge research and applied studies from leading academics and practitioners in the field, Bullying combines theory with suggestions for practical intervention for practitioners in education and social work. Chapter by chapter, the book strengthens the reader's knowledge base, and demonstrates how best to develop both academic and advocacy arguments to confront bullying, formulate intervention through examples of research findings, and recommend advice and guidance in professional contexts. Bullying offers multiple perspectives to challenge bullying related to gender, sexuality, and transgender status.
- sexual bullying and the implications for policy and practice
- sexual dimensions of cyberbullying
- homophobia
- sex differences in bullying
- lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues in educational contexts
- planning and delivering interventions in schools.
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ISBN: 9781135127367
ISBN-10: 1135127360
Series: Foundations and Futures of Education
Published: 16th January 2013
Format: ePUB
Language: English
Number of Pages: 192
Audience: Professional and Scholarly
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Country of Publication: GB
Edition Number: 1
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