'Dyscalculia demystified. This book shares great insights into the diagnosis and interventions for individuals with dyscalculia, warmly recommended to parents and professionals.'
- Dr. Milikowski, Dyscalculia Expert
Code Green on Dyscalculia is an essential resource for parents, teachers, math interventionists, SENCO's, counselors, and all professionals who have an interest in this specific learning disorder.
The book includes:
- The Test Battery for a Diagnosis of Dyscalculia
- A Dyscalculia Protocol
- Multiple Case Studies
- Details on Screening and a Diagnostic Assessment
- Response to Intervention (RTI)
- School Accommodations and Parental Support
- Details on Math Anxiety and Bullying
- Research Studies and "The War on Dyscalculia in the UK"
- The Singapore Math Curriculum