Part I: New approaches in counteraction to chemical and biological terrorism. Aspects of a national defense against chemical and biological terrorism / D.H. Moore ; International legal system on combating CBRN-terrorism / J. Matousek ; Counteraction to CBRN terrorism in Switzerland / M. Kenzelmann and D. Storch ; Basic ways of prevention of chemical and biological terrorism on the territory of Ukraine / G. Shmatkov, A. Oksamitniy and I. Nikolaeva ; Preparedness against chemical and biological terrorism in Turkey and civilian-army collaboration / H. Yaren, L. Kenar and T. Karayilanoglu ; Lead contamination as a factor of environmental terrorism: North American and European perspective / A. Omelchenko ; The Czech National Action Plan to combat terrorism: political and legal point of outcome in responding to CBRN-terrorism / J. Matousek ; Military, technical and defence-security standards on industrial facilities protection in case of terrorism and military attack / Z. Orehovec ; Crisis management in bioterrorism attack: medical approach / F. Paul and M. Paul ; Evidence of bio-terrorism as form and method of warfare / Z. Orehovec and D. Stipetic ; Ukrainian corruption and non-ruled market economy as sources of chemical and biological terrorism / W. Zadorsky -- Part II: Medical treatment and decontamination with chemical and biological agents. Analytical methods to characterize the composition of surface lipids of helophytes exposed to contaminated water / A. Macherius, C. Haertig, P. Kuschk, N. Shtemenko and M. Moeder ; Influence of contaminant stress on the surface lipids composition of some helophytes / N. Shtemenko, P. Kuschk, M. Moeder, W. Geyer, C. Haertig, M. Voevoda, V. Shepelenko and I. Alexeevskaya ; The plant cuticle: a complex lipid barrier between the plant and the environment. an overview / A. Heredia and E. Dominguez ; New approaches to treatment of poisoning by soman / V. Tonkopii ; Bioterrorism -- risk and threat: the misuse of science / E. Ristanovic ; New methods to detect sulfur mustard (SM) and SM-induced skin damage / K. Kehe, H. M??ller, F. Balszuweit, D. Steinritz, H. Thiermann, S.M. Klaus and H. Kreppel ; Infections diseases in the context of terrorist threat / M. Andreychyn and V. Kopcha ; Disposal and destruction processes of ammunition, missiless and explosives, which constitute danger when storing / L. Shyman and Y. Ustimenko -- Part III: Diagnosis of exposure to chemical and biological agents. Biomarkers of nerve agents exposure / Ch. Dishovsky, T Popov, I. Petrova, K. Kanev, A. Hubenova and I. Samnaliev ; The dietary grape polyphenol concentrate "ENOANT" enables protection against biological agents / V. Zagorouiko, V. Mizin, I. Bogadelnikov and U. Ogay ; Blood esterases as a complex biomarker for exposure to organophosphorus compounds / G. Makhaeva, E. Rudakova, N. Boltneva, L. Sigolaeva, A. Eremenko, I. Kurochkin and R. Richardson ; Diagnosis of exposure to chemical warfare agents: an essential tool to counteract chemical terrorism / D. Noort, M.J. Van der Schans, F.J. Bikker and H.P. Benschop ; Assessing chronic exposure to anticholinesterase pesticides by hair analysis / A. Tsatsakis, M. Toutoudaki and M. Tzatzarakis ; Multidrug-resistant acinetobacter baumannii: a major threat worldwide / E. Savov, G. Mihaylova, M. Borisova, T. Stoeva, E. Kjoseva and A. Trifonova ; Multi-strip assay and multimodal biosensors for environmental and medical monitoring of neurotoxicants / I.N. Kurochkin, A.V. Eremenko, G.F. Makhaeva, L.V. Sigolaeva, G.G. Dubacheva and R.J Richardson -- Part IV: Development of the control on protection against chemical and biological agents. Development of measures on prevention and liquidation of bioterrorist phenomena in Ukraine / V. Marievsky and S. Doan ; Accelerated analysis for environment control on protection against biological agents / V. Nesterenko ; Counteraction to chemical and biological terrorism in the Republic of Moldova: problems and perspectives / V. Mutaf ; Strategies of preparedness response to biological warfare and bioterrorism threats / F. Paul ; Antitoxic action of A. viridans on exotoxin, produced by S. aureus / G. Kremenchutsky, L. Yurgel, D. Stepansky, O. Sharun and I. Koshevaya ; Crops pests negative risk assessment in the Steppe Zone of Ukraine / M. Kharytonov and Y. Dudka ; Potash branch in Ukraine as a possible object of terrorism / G. Grin and E. Semenov ; Water antiseptic preparations for decontamination of pathogenic microorganisms / A. Pivovarov, A. Kravchenko and A. Tischenko ; Theoretical investigation as instrument of prediction of effect of chemical terrorism / G. Gryn and P. Kozub ; Museum-depository of pathogenic microorganisms in the system of ensuring bio-safety / V. Marievsky, S. Doan and E. Polischuk ; Usage of portable thermo-spray device for treatment of wounds contaminated by microbes / I. Khudetskiy, I. Krivtsun, Y. Furmanov and V. Gvozdetskiy ; Estimation of the role of Antropo-Zoonosis invasion agents in the counteraction to bioterrorism / A. Boyko, V. Brygadyrenko, L. Shendryk and I. Loza.