Creative Approaches to Problem Solving
A Framework for Innovation and Change
By: Scott G. Isaksen, K. Brian Dorval, Donald J. Treffinger
eText | 20 January 2010 | Edition Number 3
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Everything your students need to solve problems, manage change and deliver innovation using the Creative Problem Solving framework
This text is the most comprehensive and contemporary overview and description of Creative Problem Solving (CPS) available today. Friendly and highly practical for a broad base of researchers and practitioners, the book provides a framework, language, guidelines, and set of easy-to-use tools for understanding challenges, generating ideas, and transforming promising ideas into action.
New and Hallmark Features
- The authors expanded their emphasis on CPS as a flexible, dynamic process that enables users to select and apply CPS tools, components, and stages in a meaningful way that meets their actual needs.
- A framework for problem solving that has been tested and applied across ages, settings, and cultures allows readers to apply a common approach to process across many traditional "boundaries."
- Specific objectives in each chapter provide a clear focus for instruction or independent learning.
- Practical case studies introduced at the beginning of each chapter and then completed as a "rest of the story" toward the end of the chapter provide an application anchor for the reader.
- New enhanced graphics: Updated and refreshed tables, figures, and illustrative images provide "pictures" to go along with the authors' words.
A companion Web site with additional resources can be found at www.sagepub.com/Isaksen3e.
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ISBN: 9781483343303
ISBN-10: 1483343308
Published: 20th January 2010
Format: ePUB
Language: English
Number of Pages: 320
Audience: College, Tertiary and University
Publisher: SAGE Publications, Inc. (US)
Edition Number: 3
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