Cyanotoxins in Drinking Water
Fundamental Concepts and Solutions
By: Harold Walker
eText | 6 March 2025 | Edition Number 1
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This textbook provides students with a more holistic, systems-based perspective of harmful algal blooms, or HABs and HAB toxins, while explaining details on occurrence, health effects, and treatment processes for the removal of HAB cells and toxins from drinking water. It includes significant content on basic concepts, and system design, and includes thought-provoking problems and questions to inspire further studying, making it suitable for senior undergraduate and graduate-level students. It also serves as a useful resource for professionals and academics in technical activities related to HABs and HAB toxins in drinking water.
- Provides answers to the complex problem of HABs and HAB toxins in drinking water, as well as an up-to-date review of the literature.
- Covers solutions to HABs and HAB toxins in drinking water in the context of a changing climate.
- Explains key concepts and terms, detailed analysis, and design examples, in an easy-to-understand language for students and professionals interested in HABs.
- Includes worked example problems and numerous questions to better illustrate the concepts and solutions to HABs and HAB toxins in drinking water. A "Solutions Manual" is provided.
- Offers comprehensive coverage of HABs and HAB toxins in drinking water, from occurrence to in situ treatment to treatment in treatment facilities.
- Features case studies from different countries that have proposed regulations for HABs and related toxins in drinking water.
This is an excellent resource for use in courses that take an interdisciplinary approach to water treatment, such as environmental, marine, and atmospheric sciences. It can be used also for continuing education in water-treatment-related fields, and a reference for technical activities related to HABs and HAB toxins in drinking water.
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ISBN: 9781040313824
ISBN-10: 1040313825
Published: 6th March 2025
Format: ePUB
Language: English
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Edition Number: 1
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- Non-FictionEngineering & TechnologyEnvironmental ScienceSanitary & Municipal EngineeringWater Supply & Treatment
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