The terrorist pallet of liquid explosives and flammable fuels / H. Schubert -- Overview of liquid explosives' detection -- A.V. Kuznetsov and O.I. Osetrov -- Chemistry and properties of liquid explosives / P. Mostak -- What's special about liquid explosives? / J.C. Oxley -- Search of explosives in vehicles by using tagged neutrons / G. Viesti, A. Donzella, G. Bonomi, C. Botosso, D. Fabris, M. Lunardon, S. Moretto, G. Nebbia, S. Pesente, F. Pino, L. Sajo-Bohus and A. Zenoni / Optimization of hardware for tagged neutron technology -- M.D. Karetnikov, A.I. Klimov, K.N. Kozlov, E.A. Meleshko, I.E. Ostashev and G.V. Yakovlev -- Detection of liquid and homemade explosives : what do we need to know about their properties? / D. Menning and H. ??stmark -- Detector of hazardous substances based on nanosecond neutron analysis / V.A. Kalinin, A.V. Evsenin, A.V. Kuznetsov, O.I. Osetrov, D.N. Vakhtin, P.D. Yurmanov and I.Y. Gorshkov -- Some detection procedures for liquid explosives / M. Stancl and M. Kyncl -- Detection of explosives using nuclear resonance absorption of gamma rays in nitrogen : a Russian/US collaboration -- T.J.T. Kwan, R.E. Morgado, Tai-Sen F. Wang, B. Vodolaga, V. Terekhin, L.M. Onischenko, S.B. Vorozhtsov, E.V. Samsonov, A.S. Vorozhtsov, Yu. G. Alenitsky, E.E. Perpelkin, A.A. Glazov, D.L. Novikov, V. Parkhomchuk, V. Reva, V. Vostrikov, V.A. Mashinin, S.N. Fedotov and S.A. Minayev -- A device for detecting concealed explosives / V.A. Teryokhin and Yu. I. Chernukhin -- Trace and bulk detection of explosives by ion mobility spectrometry and neutron analysis / D. Rondeshagen, G. Arnold, S. Bockisch, K.-P. Francke, J. Leonhardt and A. K??ster -- Possibilities of liquid explosives countermeasures at airports / J. Turecek -- Close-range and standoff detection and identification of liquid explosives by means of Raman spectroscopy / I. Johansson, M. Norrefeldt, A. Pettersson, S. Wallin and H. ??stmark -- Directional detection of nitrogen and hydrogen in explosives by use of a DD-fusion-driven thermal neutron source / Kai Masuda, K. Yoshikawa, T. Misawa, K. Yamauchi, Y. Takahashi, S. Shiroya, E. Hotta, M. Ohnishi and H. Osawa -- Discrimination of the explosives from other materials by using the tagged neutron beam / D. Sudac and V. Valkovic -- Detection of liquid explosives and/or flammable liquids by different techniques / G. Bunte, W. Schweikert, J. Deimling, F. Schn??rer and H. Krause -- Hilbert spectroscopy of liquids for security screening / Y. Divin, U. Poppe and K. Urban -- Liquid explosives : the threat to civil aviation and the European response / C.J. De Ruiter and O.M.E.J. Lemmens -- Miniaturized photonic sensor devices for real time explosive detection / W. Schade, C. Bauer, R. Orghici, S. Waldvogel and S. B??rner -- Conceptual design of a hand-held liquid detector based on Compton scatter / Liu Guorong.