Diary of a Secret Drug Addict : Addiction, dependence and recovery. An ex-user's guide to breaking free. - Secret Drug Addict


Diary of a Secret Drug Addict

Addiction, dependence and recovery. An ex-user's guide to breaking free.

By: Secret Drug Addict

eBook | 15 January 2026

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This book is for anyone who is struggling with addiction or thinks they might have a problem.

It is a book for family and friends who live with the real-life consequences of addiction and want to know more about the illness and where and how to get help.

Growing up in a fractious and dysfunctional family, you could argue that the writing was always on the wall for The Secret Drug Addict.

He found his place within the epicenter of an exploding music scene in the 90's, working for some of the biggest major labels with some of the biggest bands of the time—perfectly positioned and the regular recipient of gifts from drug dealers.

By the age of 29, he was living with chronic drug, sex, and alcohol addiction, which caused crippling consequences for his relationships and mental health, threatening to end not only his career but, more importantly, his life.

After yet another relentless binge, resulting in a psychotic breakdown, he sought to get help. After participating in several rehabilitation and therapy programmes, he started to rebuild his life and sanity again.

Recovery is rarely linear; relapse is often a part of the recovery process, but once on that path, the awareness and willingness to try again are always there.

He learned to rebuild his life without the crutch of substances and has been drug-free since 2007.

This book is for anyone who is struggling with addiction or thinks they might have a problem.

It is a book for family and friends who live with the real-life consequences of addiction and want to know more about the illness and where and how to get help.

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