From the scientific underground of psychic research comes a stunning report on the evidence for life after death. But all the proof in the world is nothing when compared to actual experience with the place beyond. This book takes the reader to the next level -- and offers a more personal kind of journey. If there is a "next world," it must be nearby, and the path leads through the gateways of our own minds. Philosopher Michael Grosso shows us how to open these passages -- or at least peek through a keyhole -- and glimpse what may lie beyond. This is the guidebook for an adventure that nobody can refuse.
Industry Reviews
Larry Dossey, M.D. author of Healing Beyond the Body, Healing Words, and Reinventing Medicine A daring new vision of consciousness is currently taking shape, in which the mind transcends the physical brain and body. This new picture of the mind holds the promise of survival of bodily death -- immortality... Dr. Michael Grosso is one of the leading architects of this new paradigm, as this book shows.