This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. JOIN THE COMMUNITY: go to to sign up for free webinars, chat with the authors, and connect with other teaching professionals around the world! What is education? What is a teacher? How do students learn in the 21st century? The Flat ClassroomTM project is redefining excellence in education. Schools and higher education are moving to online education, blended learning, and e-learning, redefining education as we know it. Flattening Classrooms, Engaging Minds will take your school online one teacher at a time. Based on their award winning projects, these two classroom teachers use the principles that have connected thousands of students in educational Web 2 e-learning environments to take educators into the project plans and lesson plans that can make global collaboration a reality in the classroom. Featured in Thomas Friedman's The World is Flat, Don Tapscott's Grown Up Digital, Edutopia, Curt Bonk's The World is Open, in the Wall Street Journal and beyond. Winner of ISTE's 2007 Online Learning Award, the Taking IT Global Outstanding Online Project, and was shortlisted in the International WISE awards in 2009 the projects created by the authors include Flat Classroom, NetGenEd, Digiteen, Eracism, and 'A Week in the Life ...' (an Elementary Project). The new school of education is global collaboration. Whether you want to become a teacher or add to your teaching toolbox, when you connect globally and have contacts around the world, you become a more valuable teacher to your school. The "Flat Classroom 15" challenges bring even the beginner into the exciting world of social media in the classroom in a way that any teacher (elementary, middle school, high school, or college) can use. Connect your classroom and fall in love with learning again!