Four Voices : Managing love, loyalty, family wealth and succession through the generations - John Vamos


Four Voices

Managing love, loyalty, family wealth and succession through the generations

By: John Vamos

eBook | 30 July 2022

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From Italian, English and Mexican proverbs to Arabian or Chinese parables the curse of family business is always the same. Namely, that the first generation makes it, the second generation enjoys it and the third generation destroys it! Rags to riches and back again in three generations.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

This book tells the story of love, loyalty and wealth, and how they can happily co-exist and endure through the generations once we understand

the family business theorem:

n = (F x B)w / Gs

n = Complexity

F = Family

B = Business

W = Wealth

G = Governance

S = Stewardship

You will finally learn the reasons, commercial and biological, that explain the inevitability of the various universally experienced family business issues and

the conflict and angst those issues can create.

And perhaps, more importantly, for the first time, you will be presented with a genuinely comprehensive solution.

Managing love, loyalty and family wealth successfully generation after generation comes down to a collective willingness to elicit four voices: from

the business, the individual family members in the business, the family and the wider family community.

Governance and stewardship are what facilitate the emergence of these crucial voices, thus ensuring your business never falls victim of the curse.

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