To the children of Gaza, the first victims and bearers of eternal memories.
The cries of children, echoing through the torn streets of Gaza, pierced the world's silence for far too long. This book bears witness to their suffering, recounts some of their experiences, and calls for their protection.
This journey began with a deep sense of urgency, a desire to shed light on the devastating impact of war on the most vulnerable among us—our children. It is not just a story of destruction and fear, but also a tale of the delicate little hands that have turned into murals of suffering.
Through the eyes of these children, we witness the brutality of war, the shattering of innocence, and the profound effects of trauma. This book is a call to action, a reminder that we cannot remain silent in the face of such suffering.
It is a plea for peace, justice, and the protection of every child's right to a safe and happy childhood. May these stories ignite a fire in our hearts and compel us to work towards saving the children of Gaza.