Preface Committees Reviewers Sponsors Volume 1 The Third ISSMGE McClelland Lecture Introduction to Knut H. Andersen, The Third ISSMGE McClelland Lecturer Cyclic soil parameters for offshore foundation design K.H. Andersen Keynotes The suction foundation technology T.I. Tjelta Geotechnics for wells top-hole section and conductor P. Jeanjean, A. Zakeri, Z. Al-Khafaji, K. Hampson, E. Clukey & E. Liedtke The effects of pile ageing on the shaft capacity of offshore piles in sand K. Gavin, R. Jardine, K. Karlsrud & B. Lehane A FE procedure for calculation of cyclic behaviour of offshore foundations under partly drained conditions H.P. Jostad, G. Grimstad, K.H. Andersen & N. Sivasithamparam Geohazard risk evaluation and related data acquisition and sampling program for the methane hydrate offshore production test K. Yamamoto, Y. Nakatsuka, R. Sato, T.J. Kvalstad, K. Qiu & R. Birchwood Deterministic and probabilistic advances in the analysis of spudcan behaviour M. Cassidy, J. Li, P. Hu, M. Uzielli & S. Lacasse Suction anchors and caissons Installation of suction caissons for an asymmetrical support structure in sandy soil E.A. Alderlieste & E.A. van Blaaderen Simplified earthquake analysis for wind turbines and subsea structures on closed caisson foundations C. Athanasiu, A. Bye, J. Tistel, A.G. Ribe, K. Arnesen, S. Feizikhanhandi & E. Sorlie Laterally loaded suction caissons with aspect ratio of one C.-H. Chen, R.B. Gilbert, H. Gerkus, A.A. Saleh & L. Finn Seismic response of bucket foundations for offshore wind tower using dynamic centrifuge tests Y.W. Choo, S.G. Yang, K. Lee, Y. Kim, K. Bae, B.M. Jin & N.R. Kim Friction degradation and strength regain along suction piles in soft deepwater Gulf of Guinea clays J.L. Colliat Suction pile foundation for a PLET subsea structure A. Foresi & S. Bughi Suction caisson extraction resistance in Gulf of Guinea clay C. Gaudin, M.F. Randolph, S. Gourvenec, C.D. O'Loughlin, D.J. White & J.-L. Colliat Performance of a shallow skirted foundation for TLP mooring in carbonate silt S.M. Gourvenec, S. Neubecker, M. Senders, D.J. White, C. Gaudin & C.D. O'Loughlin Calculation of undrained holding capacity of suction anchors in clays H.P. Jostad & K.H. Andersen Interpretation of centrifuge tests of suction anchors in reconstituted soft clay H.P. Jostad, K.H. Andersen, H.D.V. Khoa & J.L. Colliat CAISSON_VHM: a program for caisson capacity under VHM load in undrained soils S. Kay Suction anchor geotechnical design practice: A case study J. Kennedy, J. Oliphant, A. Maconochie, B. Stuyts & D. Cathie Centrifuge model test for bearing capacity evaluation of hybrid suction foundation on clay under vertical and horizontal loads J.H. Kim, S.R. Kim, D.S. Kim, K.Y. Lee, J.U. Youn, D.J. Kim & S.H. Jee Pullout resistance of horizontal and inclined loaded suction anchor installed in silty sand via centrifuge modelling S. Kim, J.-H. Kim, D.-S. Kim & Y.W. Choo Skirt penetration resistance in carbonate soils from the CPT B.M. Lehane, S. Elkhatib & P. Brunning Horizontal capacity of multiple suction anchors using numerical analysis S.H. Na, I.S. Jang, M.H. Oh & O.S. Kwon Dynamic behaviour of mono bucket foundations subjected to combined transient loading S.D. Nielsen, L.B. Ibsen & B.N. Nielsen Novel monitoring solutions solving geotechnical problems and offshore installation challenges P. Sparrevik & J.M. Strout Effect of torsion on suction piles for subsea and mooring applications H. Suroor & J. Hossain Comparison of design methods for axially loaded buckets in sand E. Vaitkunaite, B.N. Nielsen & L.B. Ibsen Caisson capacity in undrained soil: Failure envelopes with internal scooping B.F.J. van Dijk P-y curves for bucket foundations in sand using finite element modeling M.U. Ostergaard, B.S. Knudsen & L.B. Ibsen Pipelines, risers and subsea earthworks Seabed stiffness model for steel catenary risers C.P. Aubeny, T.A. White, T. Langford, V. Meyer & E.C. Clukey Ultimate uplift capacity of buried pipelines in undrained clay J.-C. Ballard & C.C. Smith Evaluation of a toroid for model pipeline testing of very soft offshore box core samples A.G. Boscardin & D.J. DeGroot Excess pore pressure redistribution beneath pipelines: FEA investigation and effects on axial pipe-soil interaction D. Carneiro, D.J. White, F.A.B. Danziger & G.B. Ellwanger Pipeline embedment and consolidation beneath on-bottom pipe model in kaolin clay R. Carroll The soil strength degradation influence in the axial pipe-soil resistance C.O. Cardoso, C.S. Amaral & V.T. Ochi Pipe-Soil Interaction: Recent and future improvements in practice A.J. Hill & D.J. White Predicted and observed settlements of a subsea rock installation - comparison between field measurements and FE simulations of soft North Sea clay M. Kahlstrom, R. Frossard & H. Mattsson Effects of different loading time histories on fatigue design of steel catenary risers using nonlinear riser-soil interaction models M. Kimiaei & J. Liao A new torsional shear device for pipeline interface shear testing M.Y.-H. Kuo, C.M. Vincent, M.D. Bolton, A. Hill & M. Rattley Large scale experiments on the riser-soil interaction in clay K. Li, L.Wang & F. Yuan An integrated approach to pipeline burial in the 21st century - The current state-of-the-art A. Maconochie, J. Kennedy & J. Oliphant Direct shear interface tests for pipe-soil interaction assessment V.M. Meyer, R. Dyvik & D.J. White Evaluation of pipe-soil interaction in liquefied soil A. Murianni, O. Zanoli & E.J. Parker Pipe-soil interaction under rapid axial loading V. Smith & A.M. Kaynia Mechanical trencher modelling in hard ground: State-of-the-art B. Stuyts, D. Cathie, C. Guyatt, P. Boyde & J. Pyrah Finite element analysis of soil damping for pipeline slugging J.S. Templeton III, M.J. Barrett & E.C. Clukey Geotechnical considerations for pipeline stabilization design using rock berms J.G. Tom, H. Zhou &A.D. Deeks Pipe-soil interaction mechanism during pipeline upheaval buckling in loose saturated sand J.Wang, S.K. Haigh & N.I. Thusyanthan Study of vertical pipe-soil interaction based on Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian method K.Wang, R. Shi & L.Wang Stress level effects on plane-strain pipe uplift resistance E.S.Williams, B.W. Byrne & A. Blakeborough Theoretical analysis and model test for pipeline protection from dragged anchors S. Yan, B. Guo, L. Sun & Z. Lei A discrete element study on upheaval ratcheting behavior of pipelines buried in sand L. Yu, H. Zhang & J. Liu An investigation on existing nonlinear seabed models for riser-fluid-soil interaction studies in steel catenary risers E. Zargar & M. Kimiaei Geotechnical design and construction aspects of a pipeline-escarpment crossing J. Zhang, C. Erbrich, I. Finnie, S. Neubecker, D.J. White, A.D. Deeks, G. Doh, G. Gumming, W. Op den Velde, N. Brown & R. Little Piled foundations Modelling of laterally loaded screw piles with large helical plates in sand T.A. Al-Baghdadi, M.J. Brown, J.A. Knappett & R. Ishikura Design methodology for cyclically and axially loaded piles in chalk forWikinger OWF A.H. Augustesen, C.T. Leth, M.U. Ostergaard, M. Moller, J. Duhrkop & P. Barbosa Full scale offshore verification of axial pile design in chalk P. Barbosa, M. Geduhn, R. Jardine, F. Schroeder & M. Horn Centrifuge investigation of the axial cyclic behaviour of a single pile used for the foundation of a jacket type offshore wind turbine M. Blanc, L. Thorel, R. Isorna, C. Dano, P. Kotrnois & M. Philippe Review of pile driving results for the M-aui and Maari developments in the Taranaki basin of New Zealand P. Brunning, F.C. Chow, A. Keep, J. Thomas, D. Yong & D. Pennington Cyclic pile load tests combined with laboratory results to design offshore wind turbine foundations in chalk J. Duhrkop, A.H. Augustesen & P. Barbosa Comparison of pile bearing capacity from CPT and dynamic load tests in clay considering soil setup K. Fakharian & M.R. Khanmohammadi The use of pipe piles for creating ice protection barrier V.B. Glagovsky, S.A. Sosnina & I.N. Shatalina Improvement of bearing capacity of vibratory driven open-ended tubular piles J. Grabe & T. Pucker Small strain overlay to the API p-y curves for sand S.B. Hanssen Boulder-soil-pile dynamic interaction A. Holeyman, P. Peralta & N. Charue Driven pile design in weak rock J. Irvine, V. Terente, L.T. Lee & R. Comrie Effect of soil set-up during interruption of offshore pile driving A. Jahr &T. Tefera Axial capacity design practice for North European wind-turbine projects R.J. Jardine, N.V. Thomsen, M. Mygind, M.A. Liingaard & C.L. Thilsted Lessons learned from pile driving and monitoring in gravels on the Northstar Artificial Island P. Jeanjean, D. Miller, H. Brooks & M. Yogendrakumar Innovative design of foundations - offshore wind farm substation L. Kellezi, S. Sundararajan & O. Koreta A preliminary experimental study on the mechanism of local scour at pile groups in steady currents F. Liang, C.Wang, Y.Wang & M. Huang Interpretation difficulties of pile set-up in sand J.K. Lim & B.M. Lehane Evolution of driving resistance during driven pile installation R. Liu, S.W. Yan & P. Basu CPT-based pile shaft friction in calcareous sands of western Indian offshore R. Mahanta, R.K. Ghanekar & A. Kumar Synthesis of pile driving data in South East Asia E. Nicolini, I. Haghighi & J.L. Colliat-Dangus Case studies - predicting soil resistance to driving in South East Asia C.R. Parthasarathy, G. Ramesh & K. Nikita Axial capacity ageing trends of piles driven in silica sands S.P. Rimoy & R.J. Jardine In situ and laboratory tests in dense sand investigating the helix-to-shaft ratio of helical piles as a novel offshore foundation system G. Spagnoli, K. Gavin, C. Brangan & S. Bauer Re-assessment of pile driveability predictions on sites offshore Nigeria B. Vignerot, R.Wallerand, M. Maron & D. Colliard Numerical implementation of soil-pile interaction models for monotonic and reversed axial loading A.F.Witthoeft, X. Long & K.-M. Tjok Ultimate lateral resistance of laterally loaded piles in undrained clay J. Yu, M. Huang & C. Zhang Deepwater jetted piles: Numerical modeling of jetting action and axial bearing capacity A. Zakeri,W.O. McCarron, E.C. Clukey, E. Liedtke & P. Jeanjean Centrifuge model tests on laterally monotonic and cyclic pile-soil interaction of a tetrapod jacket foundation B. Zhu, T. Li & J. Ren Monopiles Model pile response to multi-amplitude cyclic lateral loading in cohesionless soils C.N. Abadie, B.W. Byrne & S. Levy-Paing On the development of a hybrid foundation for offshore wind turbines I. Anastasopoulos & M. Theofilou Alternative p-y curve formulations for offshore wind turbines in clays M. Arroyo, D. Abadias & M. Coelho Improving the lateral resistance of offshore pile foundations for deepwater application H.S. Arshi & K.J.L. Stone New design methods for large diameter piles under lateral loading for offshore wind applications B.W. Byrne, R. McAdam, H.J. Burd, G.T. Houlsby, C.M. Martin, L. Zdravkovic, D.M.G. Taborda, D.M. Potts, R.J. Jardine, M. Sideri, F.C. Schroeder, K. Gavin, P. Doherty, D. Igoe, A. MuirWood, D. Kallehave & J.S. Gretlund Cyclic lateral loading of monopiles for offshore wind turbines A.E. Haiderali, M. Nakashima & S.P.G. Madabhushi Observed variations of monopile foundation stiffness D. Kallehave, C.L. Thilsted & A. Troya Design of large diameter monopiles in chalk atWestermost Rough offshore wind farm A. MuirWood, B. Mackenzie, D. Burbury, M. Rattley, C.R.I. Clayton, M. Mygind, K.W. Andersen, C.L. Thilsted & M.A. Liingaard Influence of vertical loads on the behavior of laterally loaded large diameter pile in sand L.L. Mu, M.S. Huang, J. Zhang & C.M. Feng Predicting monopile behaviour for the GodeWind offshore wind farm F.C. Schroeder, A.S. Merritt, K.W. Sorensen, A. MuirWood, C.L. Thilsted & D.M. Potts Evaluation of a new p-y approach for piles in sand with arbitrary dimensions K. Thieken, M. Achmus & K. Lemke Experimental trends from lateral cyclic tests of piles in sand P. Truong & B.M. Lehane Effect of relative pile's stiffness on lateral pile response under loading of large eccentricity V. Zania, O. Hededal & R.T. Klinkvort Numerical modelling of large diameter piles under lateral loading for offshore wind applications L. Zdravkovi'c, D.M.G. Taborda, D.M. Potts, R.J. Jardine, M. Sideri, F.C. Schroeder, B.W. Byrne, R. McAdam, H.J. Burd, G.T. Houlsby, C.M. Martin, K. Gavin, P. Doherty, D. Igoe, A. MuirWood, D. Kallehave & J.S. Gretlund Author index Volume 2 Shallow foundations Prediction and worked example for a sliding foundation on soft clay S. Bretelle Effects of drainage on the response of a sliding subsea foundation M.L. Cocjin, S.M. Gourvenec, D.J. White & M.F. Randolph Undrained bearing capacity of skirted mudmats on inclined seabeds H.P. Dunne, C.M. Martin, L. Muir, N. Brown & R.Wallerand Three-dimensional limit analysis of rectangular mudmat foundations C.M. Martin, H.P. Dunne, R.Wallerand & N. Brown Collision of double hull tanker with gravity base foundation of offshore wind turbine: case of horizontal drift and swell D. Osthoff & J. Grabe Some key aspects in geotechnical design of GBS foundations on sand H.J. Pederstad, D.A. Kort & F. Nowacki A framework for the design of sliding mudmat foundations B. Stuyts, R.Wallerand & N. Brown Undrained vertical bearing capacity of perforated shallow foundations L. Tapper, C.M. Martin, B.W. Byrne & B.M. Lehane Simulation of a full-scale test on a gravity base foundation for offshore wind turbines using a high cycle accumulation model H. Zachert, T.Wichtmann, Th. Triantafyllidis & U. Hartwig System integration of direct on-seabed sliding foundations H. Zhou, H. Krisdani, R. Maujean & A.D. Deeks Anchoring systems Pullout capacity of plate anchors in sand for floating offshore wind turbines A.S. Bradshaw, J. Giampa, F. Dietrich, R. Gilbert & H. Gerkus Centrifuge model study on pullout behavior of plate anchors in clay with linearly increasing strength J. Chen, C.F. Leung, Z. Chen, K.K. Tho & Y.K. Chow Large deformation numerical analysis of plate anchor keying process Z. Chen, K.K. Tho, C.F. Leung & Y.K. Chow The role of partly remoulded clay in fluke and plate anchor design R. Dahlberg & S. Resseguier Numerical modeling of drag anchors of floating structures - comparison of ultimate holding capacity with limit equilibrium methods A.V. da Fonseca & H. Dias Design and performance of suction embedded plate anchors C. Gaudin, Y. Tian, M.J. Cassidy, M.F. Randolph, D.Wang & C.D. O'Loughlin Soil flow mechanism around deeply embedded plate anchors during monotonic and sustained uplifts C. Han, D.Wang, C. Gaudin, C.D. O'Loughlin & M.J. Cassidy Comparison between FEM analyses and full-scale tests of fluke anchor behavior in silty sand K. Heurlin, S. Resseguier, D. Melin & K.R. Nilsen Dynamically Installed Anchors: Performance of embedded mooring chain profile in clay Y. Kim, M.S. Hossain & D.Wang A review of anchor technology for floating renewable energy devices and key design considerations J.A. Knappett, M.J. Brown, H. Aldaikh, S. Patra, C.D. O'Loughlin, S.H. Chow, C. Gaudin & J.T. Lieng Numerical modelling of the SEPLA during keying process L. Li, F. Yuan, L.Wang & Z. Guo Behavior of Suction Embedded Plate Anchors with flap during keying in clay J. Liu, L. Lu, M. Li & L. Yu Chain configuration in sand, theory and large scale field testing N. Mortensen Cyclic response of shallow helical anchors in a medium dense sand J.T. Newgard, J.A. Schneider & D.J. Thompson Numerical investigation on line tension-induced pore pressure accumulation around an embedded plate anchor K. Shen, Z. Guo & L.Wang Behaviour of OMNI-Max anchors under chain loading Q.Wei, Y. Tian, M.J. Cassidy, C. Gaudin & C.D. O'Loughlin Geohazards and integrated studies Predictions of ice scour loads from small scale tests under 1 g conditions S. Arnau & A. Ivanovic Areas 2 and 5 offshore Mozambique: Mass-movements on a deep-water margin with scant adjacent shelf S.G. Ayers & I.P. Hughes Turbidity current hazard assessment for field layout planning M.A. Clare, S. Thomas, M. Cartigny & M. Mansour Bayesian mechanistic imaging of two-dimensional heterogeneous elastic media from seismic geophysical observations S. Esmailzadeh, Z. Medina-Cetina, J.W. Kang & L.F. Kallivokas Optimization of deep-water pipeline routes in areas of geologic complexity - an example from the Southern Gulf of Mexico W.C. Haneberg, C.A. Devine, D.N.V. Feregrino & M.O. Calderon Understanding the element of time in probabilistic submarine slope stability analyses W.C. Haneberg Effect of fines on mechanical properties of methane hydrate bearing sands M. Hyodo, S. Kajiyama, A. Kato, A. Nishimura, Y. Nakata & N. Yoshimoto Numerical analysis of submarine debris flows based on critical state soil mechanics T. Kobayashi, K. Soga & P. Dimmock The life cycle of geohazards within an offshore engineering development A. Lane & S. Tyler Numerical analysis of stability of seafloor slope under linear waves T.K. Nian, B. Liu, D.Wang, L. Song & M. Liu Offshore 1D infinite slope modeling in seismic conditions with OpenSees C. Piatti, L. Zuccarino & O. Zanoli Numerical simulations of shallow gas migration in vicinity of platforms in offshore Malaysia: Effects of relief wells on excess pore pressure dissipation M.J. Rohani, A.N. Norhuda, D. Tami, J.C. Choi & T. Lunne Geotechnology - Converting site investigations into 3D geotechnical models M. Sienko, K.L. Kaufmann, R.B. Jorgensen, A. Almholt, J. Duhrkop & M. Geduhn Weak interlayers effects on seismic performance of a deepwater slope A.C. Trandafir & M.E. Popescu Integration of very-high-resolution seismic and CPTU data from a coastal area affected by shallow landsliding - the Finneidfjord natural laboratory M. Vanneste, C.F. Forsberg, S. Knudsen, T.J. Kvalstad, J.-S. L'Heureux, T. Lunne, M.E. Vardy, S. Chand, O. Longva, E. Morgan, A. Kopf, T. Morz, A. Steiner, J. Brendryen & H. Haflidason Influence of gas hydrate dissociation on mechanical properties of gas hydrate-bearing sediment W. Zhang, Q. Li, Y. Li & H. Cun Soil characterisation and modelling Effect of pore pressure build-up on the seismic response of sandy deposits F. Ardoino, D. Bertalot, C. Piatti & O. Zanoli Potential of estimating relative density by measuring shear wave velocity in field and in laboratory T. Biryaltseva, S. Kreiter, T. Moerz & T. Lunne Strength of a carbonate silt at the solid-fluid transition and submarine landslide run-out N. Boukpeti, D.J. White, M.F. Randolph & N.P. Boylan Results of geotechnical characterization in the laboratory of clays from offshore Mozambique L. Brant, R. Sancio, L. Jen & N. Summer Temperature effects on laboratory measured strength on deep water soft clays C.S. Gue, T. Lunne & S. Perkins Procedures for estimating hysteretic foundation damping J.A.T. Johansson, F. Lovholt & C. Madshus Development of nonlinear foundation springs for dynamic analysis of platforms A.M. Kaynia & K.H. Andersen Planning of soil investigation for GBS foundation design D.A. Kort, H.J. Pederstad & F. Nowacki Characterization of in-situ effective stress profiles in clays based on piezo-cone penetration test (CPTU) results J. Lee, D. Park, D. Kyung, D. Park & I. Kim New standards and practice of Arctic offshore soil investigation (by Russian experience) A.S. Loktev Piezocone evaluation of undrained strength in soft to firm offshore clays P.W. Mayne, J. Peuchen & D. Baltoukas Idealized load composition for determination of cyclic undrained degradation of soils K. Noren-Cosgriff, H.P. Jostad & C. Madshus A new piston sampler for a remotely operated drilling system R.S. Santos, M. Alexander, A. Barwise, A.Walta, E. Solhjell & T. Lunne Some characteristics of carbonate sediments from NorthWest Shelf,Western Australia S.S. Sharma & H.A. Joer Predictive equations of shear wave velocity for Bay of Campeche sand V.M. Taboada, D.C. Roque, P.N. Barrera, S.D.R. Carrion, J.M.H. Duron & K.C. Gan Strain epsilon50 and stiffness ratio (E50/Su) for Gulf of Mexico clays J.Y.Won, H. Suroor, S. Jang & H. Seo Suitability of Masing rules for seismic analysis of offshore carbonate sediments N. Yamamoto, S.S. Sharma & C.T. Erbrich Simulation and experimental study of soil behaviors under principal stress rotations Y. Yang, Y. Li, Z.Wang & H.-S. Yu Strength parameters for suction anchors in a high plasticity Ghana clay S. Yang, T. Lunne, R. Santos, J. Garnon & M. Mansour The Maximum-Entropy Meshless method for dynamic and coupled analysis of offshore geotechnical problems N. Zakrzewski & M. Nazem Shear wave velocity and shear modulus in offshore clays L. Zuccarino, D.A. Morandi & M. Sottile In situ and laboratory testing Method dependency for determining maximum and minimum dry unit weights of sands O. Blaker, T. Lunne, T. Vestgarden, L. Krogh, N.V. Thomsen, J.J.M. Powell & C.F.Wallace Shear strength of dense to very dense Dogger Bank sand O. Blaker & K.H. Andersen Assessment of dissipation tests in silty soils with standard and non-standard decay R. Carroll & M. Long Stiffness degradation and damping of carbonate and silica sands J.A.H. Carraro & M.S. Bortolotto Cyclic laboratory testing of chalk to improve the reliability of piled foundation design D.L. Coyne, M. Rattley, P. Houlston, I. Alobaidi, A. Benson & C. Russell Measurement and interpretation of downhole seismic probe data for estimating shear wave velocity in deep-water environments H.Q. Nguyen, D.J. DeGroot, M. Meidani, M. Vanneste & T. Lunne The variation of the T-bar bearing capacity factor at shallow depths J.R.M.S. Oliveira, M.S.S. Almeida, K.I. Rammah, P.C. Trejo & M.C.F. Almeida Weak fractured rock coring via a seafloor based drilling system - a case study S. Payor, H.Q. Nguyen, M. Quirk & H. Faizi Measurement uncertainty of offshore Cone Penetration Tests J. Peuchen & J. Terwindt An instrumented sampler and its application for suction caisson design B.W. Porter Comparison of shear modulus from SCPT, PS logging & laboratory tests of offshore Myanmar D. Tami &A.R. Jaapar Visualizing the failure surface of a laboratory vane shear in soft clay using transparent surrogate soil J.F.Wallace, C.M. Chini, C.J. Rutherford & J.M. Peschel A specialized triaxial testing technique for deep-sea pressure core sediments J. Yoneda, A. Masui & N. Tenma Numerical investigation of ball penetrometer performance in dense sand overlying uniform clay M. Zhou, Y. Hu & M.S. Hossain Rock-steel interface testing and considerations for gravity foundations for tidal energy generators A.D. Ziogos, M.J. Brown, A. Ivanovic & N. Morgan Jack-up units The effects of jack-up installation procedures on spudcan capacity in offshore carbonate sediments A. Amodio, T.M. Chang, V. Kong & C. Erbrich A finite element study of boulder interaction with spudcans H. Curtis & P. Allan Findings of the ISSMGE jack-up leg penetration prediction event B.F.J. van Dijk & A.G. Yetginer Finite element analyses of spudcan - subsea template interaction during jack-up rig installation H.K. Engin, H.D.V. Khoa, H.P. Jostad & T. Alm Estimation of spudcan penetration using a probabilistic Eulerian finite element analysis S. Fallah, K. Gavin & E. Moradabadi Calculations of leg penetrations of heavy lift jack-up vessels in multi-layered soils J. Luking & V. Karge Effects of consolidation during spudcan installation in carbonate silty clay: A dual approach 1293 R. Ragni, B. Bienen, D.Wang & M.J. Cassidy Squeezing bearing capacity and effects of increasing strength with depth M. Ramos da Silva, C.C. Smith & J. Jurko Stability assessment of A-shaped mudmats of mobile production units R. Silvano, C. Jaeck, H. Versteele, A. Longuet & D. Bignold Linear and nonlinear foundation response in dynamic analyses of jack-up structures K.S. Skau, O. Torgersrud, H.P. Jostad, H. Hofstede & S. Hermans Comparison of coupled and decoupled approaches to spudcan-pile interaction K.K. Tho, N. Chan & J. Paisley Sinkage analysis of A-shaped jack-up mudmats using the Coupled Eulerian Lagrangian approach H. Versteele, C. Jaeck, R. Silvano & D. Bignold Mariner and Gina Krog jack-up foundation challenges G. Yetginer, G. Haland & G. Svano A novel spudcan design for improving foundation performance X.Y. Zhang, Y.P. Li, Y. Yang, J.T. Yi, F.H. Lee, P.L. Tan, J.F.Wu & S.Q.Wang Jack-up spudcan penetration analysis: Review of semi-analytical and numerical methods Y. Zhang, H.D.V. Khoa, V. Meyer & M.J. Cassidy Design, risk and reliability A perspective on selecting design strength: Gulf of Mexico deepwater clay J.Y. Cheon, D.R. Spikula, A.G. Young, R.B. Gilbert & P. Jeanjean Reliability-based design optimization of laterally loaded monopile foundations for offshore wind turbines I. Depina & G. Eiksund A reliability approach to cable risk assessment S. Gooding, P. Allan, P. Errington & J. Hunt Approach for the calibration of the load and resistance factors for axial pile capacity calculations S. Lacasse, F. Nadim, Z.Q. Liu &Y.J. Choi Accounting for the spatial variability of soil properties in the reliability-based design of offshore piles Z. Liu, S. Lacasse, F. Nadim, M. Vanneste & G. Yetginer Uncertainty-based characterization of piezocone and T-bar data for the Laminaria offshore site L.J.H. Li, M. Uzielli & M.J. Cassidy Comparison of DNV and API design codes for design of suction anchors K. Schroeder & S. Resseguier A safety concept for penetration analyses of suction caissons in sand H. Sturm, F. Nadim & A. Page Author index