1 A Word from the Author2 A Brief History of Herbs3 Dosing GuidelinesHow to Dose Your Child
- Adult Doses
- Reduce Quantity, Not Frequency
- How to Dose Eardrops
- Cayenne Dosing
- Garlic Dosing
How to Administer Herbs to A Child
4 Herbs to the Rescue!Splinters
- The Banana Trick
- The Sticky Tape Trick
From Cuts and Scrapes to Bleeding Wounds
- The Disappearing Blood Trick
- Nature's Soothers
- Honey: Nature's Skin Healer
- Antiseptic Washes
- The Brown Paper Bag Trick
- Cayenne Pepper to the Rescue
- Rescue Remedy
- Comfrey
- Garlic
- Garlic Poultice
- When to Seek Emergency Help
- Natural Remedies for Burns
- Dr. Christopher's Burn Ointment
- Baby Bear's Burn Remedy
- Amazing Aloe Cure
- Apple Cider Vinegar Bath
- Yogurt Skin Healer
- Baking Soda Sunburn Soother
- Aloe Vera Plant
- Soupy, Goopy Burn Gel
Broken Bones
- Calming the Nerves
- Dr. Christopher's BF&C
- Healing Visualizations
Bone-Loving Tea
- Bruises, Sprains, Strains, Sports Injuries
- Smelly Yellow Onion Debruiser and Sprain Remedy
- Castor Oil
- St. John's Wort Bruiseaway
- Arnica Oil
- Dr. Christopher's BF&C Ointment
- Comfrey Poultice
Inflammation and Pain
- Analgesic Herbs
- Anti-Inflammatory Herbs
- Antiseptic Herbs
- Nervine Herbs
Muscle Stress and Spasms
Restless Leg Syndrome
Stiff Neck
- The Tension-Taming Neck Game
- Yoga
- Quick & Easy Remedies
- The Healer of All Healers
Insect Bites and Stings
- Plantain, Comfrey, Chickweed
- Aloe
- Lavender
- Peppermint
- Yellow Onion
- Tea Tree Oil
- Calendula
- Vitamin E
- Castor Oil
- Dr. Christopher's CMM Ointment
- Chamomile Compress
- Baking Soda
- Mud
- Banana
- Apis
- Be Fragrance Free
- A Word About Insect Repellents
- Pennyroyal Mosquito Repellent
Lyme Disease
Jellyfish Stings
Poison Ivy
Herbal First Aid Kit
- Personalize Your Kit
- Keep the Kit Portable!
- Standard First Aid Supplies
- Andrea's First Aid Kit
- First Aid Home Herbal Pack
5 The Upper Respiratory SystemSore Throats
- Gargle Without the Giggle
- Salty Lemon Gargle
- Grapefruit Seed Gargle
- Throat-Healing Herbs
Ear Infections
- Diet, Herbs, and Chiropractic
- The Onion Pain Reliever
- Cell Salt Therapy
Itchy Ears
Waxy Build-Up
Eye Irritations
- Calendula/Chamomile Eye Therapy Compress
- Calendula/Chamomile Eyedrop Therapy
- Dr. Christopher's Herbal Eyebright Formula
Digestive Headaches
- Soothing Peppermint Tea #1
- Soothing Peppermint Tea #2
- More Headache-Relieving Remedies
Sinus-Related Headaches
Emotionally Based Headaches
- Lovely Lavender
- Spirit Soothers
- Chamomile Bath
Fever-Related Headaches
- Fever-Reducing Herbs
- Headache Imagery
Nasal Congestion
- The Eucalyptus Inhaler
- The Eucalyptus Vapor
- The Eucalyptus Bath
- The Eucalyptus Dot
- Herbal Snuff
- Head-Clearing Tea
Swollen Glands
- Carrot Poultice
- Lymph-Cleansing Tea
- The Castor Oil Pack
The Common Cold
- Herbal Teas
- Echinacea
- Garlic
- Fluids
- Inhalations
Herbal Remedies for the Mouth and Lips
- Castor Oil Lip Salve
- Herbal Salves and Lipsticks
- Calendula Mouth Rinse
Cold Sores
- Nutritional Support
- Herbal Healers
- Aloe Leaf Remedy
- Raspberry Leaf Mouth Rinse
Bleeding Gums
- Flossing Can Be Fun
d - Astringent Mouthwash
- Tea Tree/Peppermint Mouthwash
6 The Lower Respiratory SystemCoughs/Laryngitis/Lung Congestion
- Onion/Honey Cough Syrup
- Thyme/Honey Syrup
- Thyme/Eucalyptus Bath
- Heavy-Duty Onion Poultice
- The Onion Pack
- Chest-Relaxing Ginger Rub
- Aromatic Congestion Oil
- Echinacea
- Cold and Flu Tea
- Garlic: Nature's Antibiotic
- CMG Syrup
- Garlic Fever Reducer
- Dr. Christopher's Anti-Plague Syrup
- Lung Formula Tea
- Fluids
- Cell Salts
- Suggested Protocol
- Environmental Toxins
- Food Intolerance
- Empower Your Child!
- To Restore Emotional Balance
- Physical Exertion/Adrenal Nourishment
- Infection
- Herbal Therapies for Asthmatic Attacks
- Honegar
- Pressure Points
- The Integrated Approach
7 Skin-Loving Herbs
- How Herbs Penetrate the Skin
- The Simple Pimple Fix
Insect Bites/Stings
Head Lice
- Preventive Measures
- Rosemary Hair Juice
- Anise Lice Be-Gone
- Tea Tree Oil
- Overnight Lice Treatment
- Garlic and Echinacea
- Soothing Applications
- Dry It Up
Chicken Pox
- Skin Relief
- Support the Immune System
Infected Skin
- Sage Wash
- Tea Tree Oil
- Echinacea Paste
- The Castor Oil Wart Chaser
Eczema and Chronic Rashes
- Chickweed
- Chickweed Bath
- Inner Cleansing
- Itchy-Skin Reliever
Prickly Heat Rash 120
- Magical Castor Oil
- Internal Cleansers
Boils/Infected Skin/Pustules
- Drawing Poultices
- Instant Drawing Poultice
Skin Ulcers
Inflamed Skin and Poison Plant Rashes
Anxiety-Reducing Herbs
Fungal Infections
- Pau D'Arco
- Tea Tree Oil
- Andrea's Anti-Fungal Oil
- Athlete's Foot Remedy
Warm Hands and Feet
- Ginger Hand-and-Foot Warmer
- Cayenne Foot Warmer
8 The Gastrointestinal SystemTummyaches
Gas, Bloating, and Digestive Upset
- Food Issues
- Herbal Support
- Honegar
- Herbal Teas, Tablets, and Oil
- Food Recommendations
- Natural Remedies
- Dairy and Constipation
Stomach Cramps
Irritable Bowel Syndrome/Colitis
- Anti-Spasmodics
- Soothing
- Calming
Nausea/Motion Sickness
- Peppermint Oil
- Motion Sickness Tea
- The Throw-Up Button!
Parasites and Worms
- The Glorious Garlic Go-Fer
- Dehydration
- Food Intake
- Natural Solutions
9 Baby's ComfortDiaper Rash
- Tender Skin-Cleansing Herbs for Baby
- Herbs for Soothing Diaper Rash
- Powder Protection
- An Ounce of Prevention
Thrush, Candida, and Yeast
Cradle Cap
- Natural Approaches (Internal)
- Natural Approaches (Topical)
- Comfrey Root Scalp Rinse
General Skin Care
- Cleansing Baths
- Moisturizing Herbs
- Herbal Digestive Aids: Teas and Baths
- Tummy Intestinal Massage and Compress
- Ginger Compress
Oozing Eyes
Pink Eye/Conjunctivitis
- Fever-Reducing Infusions
- Elderberry Syrup
- Fever-Reducing Baths/Compresses
- Cell Salts
- Herbal Teething Calmer
- Cell Salts
Vaccination Reactions
- Preparing for Vaccinations
- Calming Pre-Injection Jitters
- The Magic of Castor Oil
- If Vaccination Is Followed by Fever
- An Extra Dose for Peace of Mind
10 Herbal Programs for the Teen YearsTeen Energy Boosters
- Peppermint Bath
- Siberian Ginseng
Mood Swings
- St. John's Wort
- Bach Flower Essences
- The Outside-In
- Gentle Facial Scrub
- Honey-Nutmeg Cleansing Mask
- Aloe Acne Treatment
- Herbal Zinc Zapper
- Herbal Steams
- The Inside-Out Approach
- Food Testing
- Constipation
- Cleansing of the Internal Organs
- Juni-Pars (Kidney and Bladder Cleanser)
- Barberry LG (Liver and Gall Bladder Cleanser)
- Fen LB (Colon Cleanser)
- Red Clover Combination (Blood Cleanser)
- Colon 8
Menstrual Cramps
- Gentle Ginger Compress
- Dr. Christopher's Nu-Fem Formula
A Teen Tonic
One More Thought...
11 Calming the JittersHerbs to Calm the Nervous System
- Bach Flower Rescue Remedy
- Tranquili-Tea
Sleep Problems
- Natural Approaches
- Peaceful Dreams Tea
- Essential Oils
- Herbal Extracts
Nail Biting
Fears and Anxieties
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
- Diet
- Herbs
- How to Tailor a Formula to Your Child
- Essential Fatty Acids
- Essential Oils
- Aromatic Massage Oil
- Aromalamp
- Scented Pillow
- Aromatic Bath
- Vitamins and Minerals
- Chemicals in Your Child's Home and School Environment
- Empower Your Child!
- One Last Thought...
The Healing Power of Music
A Word on Mindful Living
12 Immune System Enhancers
- Foods to Support the Immune System
- Fresh Nettles
- Mineral Tonic Tea
- Immune-Boosting Soup
Excellent All-Around Immune Enhancers
- Siberian Ginseng
- Echinacea
- In What Form to Use Echinacea
- Why and How to Use Echinacea
- How to Dose a Child with Echinacea
- When to Give Echinacea
Fever-Fighting Herbs
- Get a Medical Diagnosis
- Herbal Baths
- Herbal Teas
- Herbs to Bolster the Immune System
- Vaporizing Herbs
- Cell Salts for Fever
- Nervine Herbs
- Bach Flower Remedies
- Hive-Reducing Tea
- Helpful Botanicals
- Bee Pollen
- Cell Salts
- Food Sensitivities
- Parsley and Juniper Berry Tea
- Remedies to Calm a Nervous Constitution
- Chiropractic
Yeast and Fungal Problems
- Nail Fungus
- Candidiasis
- Supporting Antibiotic Therapy to Prevent Candida
Appendix A: ApplicationsSuppositories
- How to Make an Herbal Suppository
How to Prepare a Medicinal Tea
- Infusions/Using Dried Herbs
- Infusions/Using Fresh Herbs
- Decoctions/Using Fresh or Dried Herbs
Encapsulated Herbs
How to Store and Preserve Herbal Remedies
- Liquid Extracts
- Dried Herbs and Capsules
- Herbal Teas
- Where to Get Your Herbs
Appendix B: Characteristics of HerbsAppendix C: Food Testing
- How to Test Foods
- Wrist/Thigh Position
- Thumb/Pinky Connection
- Surrogate Testing
Appendix D: Understanding Toxicity and How It Affects Your Child
- Rebuilding Health
- Internal Cleansing
- Herbal Cleansers
Appendix E: Healing ImageryAppendix F: Cell SaltsAppendix G: Resource Guide
- Product Resources
- Resources for Locating Natural Health Practitioners
- To Find Out More About Medicinal Herbs
Appendix H: Product IngredientsAppendix I: Bach Flower Essences and Rescue Remedy
- Bach Flower Essences
- Rescue Remedy
- How to Dose
- References
Appendix J: Herbs and Their Latin NamesBibliographyIndex