Global Best Practices for CSO, NGO, and Other Nonprofit Boards: Lessons From Around the World
Lessons From Around the World
By: BoardSource
eText | 10 April 2018 | Edition Number 1
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An ideal resource for boards everywhere
There are at least 10 million Civil Society Organizations (CSO)s in the world, each of them with a board composed of individuals doing their best to govern well and wisely. There is no single model of governance to emulate, but are there universal principles and practices that can help boards everywhere perform at the highest level.
This book takes us for a trip around the world to look at what is working for boards. Its discoveries will help not only boards, but also nonprofit staff leaders seeking to assist their boards to optimal performance, and capacity-builders looking to strengthen their civil society sector.
Even if your organizational concerns extend no further than city boundaries, this book is for you. One of the greatest governance challenges today is a lack of diversity on the board. This can seriously hamper an organization's ability to realize mission and to understand and serve its community. Reading this book will provide a greater understanding of how the cultural context affects governance and will sensitize the reader to different ways of thinking about governance.
Global Best Practices For CSO, NGO and Other Nonprofit Boards presents case studies from different parts of the world that illustrate effective practice, identifies and discusses interesting and significant differences, and explores global governance trends with implications for us all.
- Tests for universal truths about roles, responsibilities and practices using criteria established by BoardSource, the premier voice on nonprofit governance
- Provides information that builds exceptional nonprofit boards
- Discusses cultural differences in governance that will help all boards to better function in increasingly diverse environments
- Offers inspiration to NGO boards in any part of civil society
- Reflects on the future of governance worldwide
If you're a capacity-builder, a board member, or an executive leader looking for guidance on governance, this is the book you'll want to have on hand.
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ISBN: 9781119423201
ISBN-10: 1119423201
Published: 10th April 2018
Format: ePUB
Language: English
Audience: Professional and Scholarly
Publisher: Wiley Professional Development (P&T)
Country of Publication: US
Edition Number: 1