Introduction. Part I: Getting to Know Google Earth.
Chapter 1: The Earth According to Google.
Chapter 2: Finding Businesses, Places, and Things.
Chapter 3: Adjusting Your View on the World.
Part II: Personalizing Google Earth.
Chapter 4: Fine-Tuning the Program.
Chapter 5: Adding Layers and Points of Interest (POIs).
Chapter 6: Pinning Down Placemarks.
Part III: Becoming a Cybertourist.
Chapter 7: Going on Tour.
Chapter 8: Mingling with the Community.
Chapter 9: Importing Data and Images.
Chapter 10: KML: It's Sorta Like HTML.
Part IV: Advanced Features.
Chapter 11: Designing with Google SketchUp.
Chapter 12: Designing with Google SketchUp, Part 2.
Chapter 13: Creating Polygons and Other Complex Structures.
Chapter 14: Digging Deeper with Google SketchUp.
Part V: The Part of Tens.
Chapter 15: Ten Great Places to Get Coordinates.
Chapter 16: Ten Reliable Sources for Data Files.
Chapter 17: Ten Cool Tools.
Part VI: Appendixes.
Appendix A: Glossary.
Appendix B: Default Content of the All Layers Pane.
Appendix C: Latitudes and Longitudes of Major Landmarks.