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ISBN: 9781848000445
ISBN-10: 1848000448
Published: 21st November 2007
Format: PDF
Language: English
Publisher: Springer Nature
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Non-FictionBusiness & ManagementBusiness Mathematics & SystemsComputing & I.T.Operating SystemsComputer Programming & Software DevelopmentSoftware EngineeringComputer ScienceSystems Analysis & DesignDigital Lifestyle & Online World: Consumer & User GuidesPortable & Handheld Devices User GuidesComputer Architecture & Logic Design
This product is categorised by
- Non-FictionBusiness & ManagementBusiness Mathematics & Systems
- Non-FictionComputing & I.T.Operating Systems
- Non-FictionComputing & I.T.Computer Programming & Software DevelopmentSoftware Engineering
- Non-FictionComputing & I.T.Computer ScienceSystems Analysis & Design
- Non-FictionComputing & I.T.Digital Lifestyle & Online World: Consumer & User GuidesPortable & Handheld Devices User Guides
- Non-FictionComputing & I.T.Computer ScienceComputer Architecture & Logic Design
- Non-FictionComputing & I.T.Computer ScienceHuman-Computer Interaction
- Non-FictionComputing & I.T.Computer Science