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Harry Potter The Time-Turner War - Santosh


Harry Potter The Time-Turner War

By: Santosh

eBook | 14 March 2025

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Harry Potter: The Time-Turner War

Years after Voldemort's defeat, the wizarding world is at peace—until the Ministry of Magic makes a shocking discovery. Hidden deep within the Department of Mysteries lies a secret chamber containing ancient, unstable Time-Turners with powers far beyond those previously known. But before they can be secured, a rogue faction known as the Sons of Morgana steals them, determined to rewrite history and restore pure-blood supremacy.

As time fractures, reality begins to spiral out of control. People vanish, history shifts, and Hogwarts appears in different eras—from its founding by Godric Gryffindor to the rise of Tom Riddle. Soon, the world is caught in a web of paradoxes where the past and future collide. Amidst the chaos, familiar faces return—James Potter, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin are alive once more, but at what cost?

Now an experienced Auror, Harry Potter is tasked with stopping the Sons of Morgana before they permanently alter history. Alongside Ron and Hermione, he embarks on a dangerous mission through time, battling enemies in different centuries—from medieval wizard duels to the reign of Grindelwald. Their journey leads them to a horrifying future where Voldemort won the war, ruling with an iron fist, and a twisted timeline where a young Albus Dumbledore fights against them.

As the final battle unfolds at the very edge of time, Harry must face the most difficult choice of his life. To restore balance, someone must remain in the past, erasing themselves from history forever. With everything at stake, Harry and his allies must decide: is the past worth saving if it means losing those they love all over again?

The Time-Turner War is an electrifying adventure filled with magic, mystery, and impossible choices. As time itself unravels, the wizarding world's fate rests on a battle that transcends centuries.

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