Higher Education and Student Mobilities from the Global South : Exploring Student Motivations, Experiences, and Outcomes - Carola Bauschke-Urban


Higher Education and Student Mobilities from the Global South

Exploring Student Motivations, Experiences, and Outcomes

By: Carola Bauschke-Urban

eBook | 6 March 2025 | Edition Number 1

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This interdisciplinary collection explores student mobilities from the Global South, focusing on how class, ethnicity, and gender influence decisions, experiences, and outcomes in studying abroad.

Featuring post- colonial perspectives from Brazil, Indonesia, Ghana, and India, the collection highlights the unique challenges and opportunities faced by these students. It includes personal narratives that add a qualitative dimension, illustrating the individual agency and resilience of international students. The role of educational institutions and policies in shaping mobility is also addressed, including a discussion of how universities and governments create opportunities or barriers. Overall, this collection provides valuable insights into the interplay of class, ethnicity, and gender in shaping educational trajectories from the Global South.

By centering student perspectives, it examines national, transnational, and institutional factors that either promote or inhibit mobility. It will be of interest to students, lecturers, researchers, ministries, and NGOs working on higher education research and migration studies.

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