Preface vii
Introduction 1
Whether you've invented a great new product or have an idea for a TV game show, a new web business, or a software program, read on to learn the steps to a great licensing deal.
Chapter 1. Creating the Idea 5
The Need for Need-Driven Products
All ideas have to start somewhere. In this chapter you will learn to read the signposts that will send your brain merrily along the yellow brick road and not into some dark dead-end.
Chapter 2. How to research and evaluate your new idea 21
How to make sure that your wonderful new idea is really as brilliant and original as your friends and relatives tell you it is.
Chapter 3. The end of the free ride 39
All About Patents and the Lawyers Who Are Happy to Sell You One
All about protecting your new idea with or without patents and copyrights, and the lawyers and charlatans you'll meet along the way.
Chapter 4. It's time to swing into action (the devil is in the details) 63
How to Prepare Your Presentation Material in a Way That Will Knock Their Socks Off
A professional looking presentation will earn respect for you and for your idea. Taking the time to do it right is an investment worth making.
Chapter 5. Let's start the show! 75
Locating the company or person who's waiting to hear your brilliant idea and shower you with riches for it.
Chapter 6. What to say and how to play 95
Landing the Perfect Appointment with the Perfect Person at the Perfect Company
This is an eyeball-to-eyeball business, so here's how to avoid the underlings and clerks and get yourself in front of the person who can say "yes."
Chapter 7. Getting to "yes" 113
Simple and Easy Steps to Successfully Present Your New Invention or Idea
What to say and what to do to present your new idea in the kind of impressive and persuasive way to achieve the results you're aiming for.
Chapter 8. Reaping the harvest 133
Examining the kind of contract that will earn you all the rewards that your creativity entitles you to.
Chapter 9. Listening to successful inventors 163
What to do and what to avoid-some of the goof-ups, bloopers, boners, and brilliant moves that some moneymaker inventors want you to know about.
Conclusion 169
Appendix 175
Index 223