Intimately and without jargon, How to Wake Up: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide to Navigating Joy and Sorrow describes the path to peace amid all of life’s ups and downs. Using step by step instructions, the author illustrates how to be fully present in the moment without clinging to joy or resisting sorrow—and this opens up access to a kind of wellness that goes beyond circumstance. Actively engaging life as it is in this fashion holds the potential for awakening to a peace and well-being that are not dependent on whether a particular experience is joyful or sorrowful. This is a practical book, containing dozens of exercises and practices, all of which are illustrated with easy-to-relate to personal stories from the author’s experience.
How to Wake Up, is written in the same conversational style as Bernhard’s acclaimed, How to Be Sick. Bernhard writes as if she is talking directly to the reader. This creates an intimacy that feels as if she and the reader are friends. In addition, she has the remarkable ability to take complex concepts and ideas and explain them in the language of everyday life, so that readers can easily understand how the subject at hand applies to their particular circumstances. Finally, she has the courage to share her own struggles and setbacks; this unflinching honesty is an invaluable aid to readers as they try to find their way to the peace and well-being we all seek.
Industry Reviews
"Toni Bernhard deftly presents deep, profound teachings in an amazingly simple, accessible way. It's like taking a powerful healing medicine that goes down like a delicious milkshake. Bravo!"
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