Note on EditorsContributors Biographies
Forward (Rob Smith)
Chapter 1: Introduction: Improving healthcare through built environment infrastructure (Mike Kagioglou and Patricia Tzortzopoulos)
Session 1: Practitioner contributions
Chapter 2: Planning healthcare environments (Duane Passman, Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust Brighton, UK)
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Background and history
2.2.1. The Hospital Plan of the 1960???s
2.2.2. The Economic Crisis of the 1970???s
2.2.3. Change in the 1980???s
2.2.4. Further change in the 1990???s
2.3. The Planning Landscape
2.4. Policy Developments since 1997
2.4.1. The NHS Plan, 2000
2.4.2. Delivering the NHS Plan, 2002
2.4.3. The NHS Improvement Plan, 2004
2.4.4. Our health, our care, our say: a new direction for community services, 2006
2.4.5. Our health, our care, our community, 2006
2.4.6. Healthcare for London, 2007
2.4.7. High Quality Care for All, 2008
2.5. Capital Procurement Methodologies and NHS Organisations
2.5.1. Overall Capital Investment in the NHS
2.5.2. The Private Finance Initiative (PFI)
2.5.3. NHS LIFT
2.5.4. ProCure 21
2.5.5. NHS Foundation Trusts
2.5.6. NHS Trusts
2.5.7. PCTs
2.6. Settings for Healthcare
2.6.1. The Home
2.6.2. General Practitioner (GP) Surgery
2.6.3. Larger Health Centres
2.6.4. One stop shops/polyclinics
2.6.5. Community Hospitals
2.6.6. District General Hospitals (DGHs)
2.7. Supply-Side Considerations
2.7.1. Beds
2.7.2. A & E
2.7.3. Outpatients
2.7.4. Imaging
2.7.5. Other Factors
2.8. Demand side
2.9. Design and The Physical Environment
2.10. Conclusion
2.11. References
Chapter 3: Plan for uncertainty: design for change (Sue Francis, CABE - Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment London, UK)
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Context
3.3. Impact on the built environment
3.4. Optimising design
3.5. Futureproofing design
3.6. Design Matters
3.7. Measuring Design Quality
3.8. Final remarks: Making places
3.9. References
Chapter 4: Designed with care? The role of design in creating excellent community healthcare buildings (Kate Trant)
CABE - Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment London, UK
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Why does design matter?
4.3. Building healthy neighbourhoods
4.4. Access to health
4.5. Surprise and delight
4.6. Designed with care
4.7. Open all hours
4.8. Better isn???t good enough
4.9. Must try harder
4.10. What makes a good healthcare building?
4.10.1. Good integrated design
4.10.2. Public open space
4.10.3. A clear accessible plan with one main reception
4.10.4. An environmentally sensitive approach to building design, materials, construction and management
4.10.5. Circulation and waiting areas
4.10.6. Materials, finishes and furnishings
4.10.7. Natural light and ventilation
4.10.8. Storage
4.10.9. Adapting to future changes
4.10.10. Out of hours community use
4.11. Final remarks
4.12 References
Chapter 5: The stages of LIFT - Local Finance Improvement Trust - for the development and delivery of primary healthcare facilities (Richard Groome)
John Laing plc Manchester, UK
5.1. Introduction
5.2. The LIFT Process
2.1. Project Inception
2.2. Project Set up
2.3. Feasibility
2.4. Stage 1 Approval
2.5. Outline Design
2.6. Final Scheme Design
2.7. Financial Close
2.8. Construction Management Set Up
2.9. Facilities Maintenance (FM)
5.3. Cultural Differences
5.4. Conclusions
5.5. References
Chapter 6: The Integrated Agreement for Lean Project Delivery (William A. Lichtig,?? McDonough, Holland & Allen California, USA)
6.1. Introduction to Sutter Health
6.2. Integrated form of agreement
6.3. Traditional Responses to Owner Dissatisfaction with the Status Quo
6.4. What is Lean?
6.5. The Application of TPS Principles to Design and Construction
6.6. Sutter Health???s Formulation of a Lean Project Delivery Strategy
6.7. Development of the Integrated Agreement for Lean Project Delivery
6.7.1. Relationship of the Parties
1.7.1. Creating a Collaborative Design and Construction Environment
1.7.2. Articulating and Activating the Network of Commitments
1.7.3. Optimizing the Project, not the Pieces
1.7.4. Tightly Couple Learning With Action6.8. Conclusion
6.9. References
Chapter 7: The Sutter Health Prototype Hospital Initiative (Dave Chambers, Sutter Health California, USA)
7.1. Getting Started
7.2. Goals and Metrics
7.3. Design
7.4. Results and conclusion
7.5. References
Session 2: Academic contributions
Chapter 8: The Strategic Service Development Plan: An Integrated Tool for Planning Built Environment Solutions for Primary Health Care Services (Ged Deveraux Manchester Joint Health Unit Manchester City Council, UK)
8. Introduction
9. Background
10. The Development of Primary Care
11. The Role of the built environment in delivering primary health care
12. The Origins of the Strategic Service Development Plan
13. A Comparative Case Study of the MAST LIFT SSDP
13.1. Partnership Working
13.2. Planning Process
13.3. Benefits Realisation
13.4. What was learnt?
13.5. Common Themes of the Document Analysis
13.5.1. Partnership Working
13.5.2. Planning Process
13.5.3. Benefits Realisation
13.6. Common Themes from the Interviews
13.6.1. Partnership Working
13.6.2. Planning Process
13.6.3. Benefits Realisation
13.7. Discussion
13.7.1. Partnership Working
13.7.2. Planning Process
13.7.3. Benefits Realisation
14. Conclusion
15. Recommendations
16. References
Chapter 9: From care closer to home to care in the home. The potential impact of telecare (James Barlow, Steffen Bayer, Richard Curry, Jane Hendy and Laurie McMahon Imperial College London and Loop2 London, UK)
9.1. Introduction
9.2. Key trends
9.3. What is telecare?
9.4. The impact of telecare on care services
9.5. Implications for the healthcare built infrastructure
9.6. Conclusion
9.7. Acknowledgments
9.8. References
Chapter 10: Risk Management and Procurement (Nigel Smith, Denise Bower, Bernard Aritua School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds Leeds, UK)
10.1. Introduction
10.2. General Principles of Risk Management in Infrastructure Procurement
10.2.1. Risk Planning
10.2.2. Risk Identification
10.2.3. Risk Assessment
10.2.4. Risk Response
10.3. Risk and Procurement routes
10.4. Risk in NHS Procurement
10.5. Multi-project procurement
10.6. Sustainable NHS procurement options
10.7. References
Chapter 11: Supporting evidence-based design (Ricardo Codinhoto, Bronwyn Platten, Patricia Tzortzopoulos, Mike Kagioglou University of Salford Salford, UK)
11.1. Definitions
11.2. the built environment and health Outcomes: considerations about evidence-based Design
11.3. Searching for Evidence
11.4. healthcare environments and impacts on health
11.5. Organising information
11.5.1. Framework 1: Patient groups framework
11.5.2. Framework 2: Route cause and effects
11.5.3. Framework 3: Specific built environment characteristic framework ??? Colour
11.5.4. Framework 4: Built Environment and Health Outcomes ??? Overview
11.5. Organising Inforamtion
11.6. Conclusions
11.7. References
Chapter 12: Benefits Realisation: Planning and evaluating healthcare infrastructures and services (Stylianos Sapountzis, Kathryn Yates, Jose Barreiro Lima, Mike Kagioglou Uiversity of Salford Salford, UK)
12.1. Introduction
12.2. Benefits realisation
12.2.1. Benefits taxonomies
12.3. Research methodology
12.4. BeReal model overview
12.4.1. BeReal Usability and Controlling Structure
12.4.2. Investment Appraisal Approaches: General, Healthcare Specific and BeReal Mode
12.5. Case Studies
12.5.1. Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals (BSUH) Tertiary, Trauma and Teaching (3Ts), Case Study
12.5.2. Manchester, Salford and Trafford (MaST) Local Improvement Finance Trust (LIFT) Case study characterisation and discussion
12.6. Conclusions
12.7. References
Chapter 13: Towards the achievement of Continuous Improvement in the UK Local Improvement Finance Trust (LIFT) initiative (A.D. Ibrahim, A.D.F. Price and A.R.J. Dainty Dpartment of Quantity Surveying, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria Department of Civil and Building Engineering, University of Loughborough, UK)
13.4.1 CI concept
13.4.2 Essential Requirements of Continuous Improvement in LIFT Preconditions and success factors for CI CI driving values CI enabling values CI infusing values Barriers to achieving CI in LIFT projects
13.5.1 Contextual analysis
13.5.2 CI strategy formation
13.5.3 CI implementation
Chapter 14:Performance Management in the Context of Healthcare Infrastructure (Therese Lawlor-Wright and Mike Kagioglou School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, The University of Manchester, UK School of the Built Environment, University of Salford, UK)
14.1. Introduction
14. Organisational Performance Measurement Systems
14.3. Building Performance Assessment
14.3.1. Performance of Healthcare Facilities
14.3.2. Assessing Performance at the Design Stage
14.3.3. Assessing Performance at Operational Stage
14.4. Contribution of Infrastructure to Performance of Healthcare Organisation
14.5. Conclusions
14.6. References
Chapter 15: Hard FM and performance management in hospitals (Igal Sohet and Sarel Lavy Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel College of Architecture, Texas A&M University, USA)
15.1. Components of Healthcare Facilities Management
15.1.1. Maintenance Management
15.1.2. Performance Management
15.1.3. Risk Management
15.1.4. Supply Services Management
15.1.5. Development
15.1.6. Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
15.1.7 Summary
15.2. Key Performance Indicators in Hospital Facilities
15.2.1. Asset Development
15.2.2. Performance management
15.2.3. Maintenance
15.2.4. Organization and Management
15.3. Research Methods
15.3.1. Structured Field Survey
15.3.2. Statistical Analysis
15.3.3. Model Development and Computing
15.3.4. Validation
15.4. Analysis of a Hospital Using the Indicators Developed ??? A Case Study
15.4.1. Profile of the Hospital
15.4.2. Data Analysis
15.4.3. Conclusions
15.5. Discussion
15.6. Toward a Maintenance Performance Toolkit
15.7. References
Chapter 16: Community Clinics -?? Hard Facilities management and performance management (Igal Sohet Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
16.1. Introduction
16.1.1. Healthcare Facilities Management
16.1.2. Alternative Architectures of Healthcare Service Provision
16.2. Clinic Facilities
16.2.1. Key Performance Indicators in Clinic Facilities
16.3.1. Case Study
16.4. Hospital Facilities vs. Clinic Facilities ??? Comparative Perspective
16.5. Concluding Remarks
16.6. References