In Touch With Your Inner Voice is a self-guided course offering a spiritual, self-guided path of individuation allowing for personal development, understood as a lifelong process. The course is structured into three levels, each of which is presented and conveyed with six textbooks (lessons) and other practice materials. It addresses all those who are interested in their spiritual individuation, which is a very personal matter. With the exercises, each participant gradually discovers 'their' very individual soul or symbolic language-just as they once learned their mother tongue. They learn to name and express symbols they've experienced inside themselves and relate them to their world, in the world. This, in turn, opens up a whole new spectrum of exploration and learning, each wholly unique and different depending on the participant's experience and background. Level 1: Lessons 1 - 6 This level is about learning the basics of the Trilogos Method and how to use the method to train our capacity for perception, imagination, expression and self-reflection. For example, a person may learn to recognize, name and express their intuition through their perception. In this way, they will get in touch with their inner voice and discover connections with their outer world. Another participant may encounter their wounded inner child during an exercise, and begin to wonder: How do people even arrive at their beliefs, dispositions, convictions, behavioral patterns and traumas in the first place? Yet another person may experience their creative potential and seek to optimize it in a meaningful and gratifying way, in alignment with their very personal dispositions. In this way, the Trilogos Method contributes to a viable future for all, where members of society make decisions together on the basis of trust and empathy, and take responsibility for those decisions.
Linda Vera Roethlisberger (1956), certified teacher. 1990 Founding of TRILOGOS, an institute for personality and consciousness training. Author of numerous publications, among them the guidebookds The Sensory Channel to the Spiritual World (Der sinnliche Draht zur geistigen Welt) and In Touch With Your Inner Voice (Im Kontakt mit der inneren Stimme). Over the years, she has also developed the Trilogos Method, allowing for self-guided individuation or self-discovery. 2012 Founding of the charitable Trilogos Foundation.