IoT Sensors
An Exploration of Sensors for Internet of Things
eText | 29 November 2024 | Edition Number 1
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This book introduces the basics of the Internet of Things (IoT) and explores the foundational role of
sensors in IoT applications. The IoT is a network of devices and objects: sensors, actuators, hardware,
software, human beings, domestic appliances, health monitoring equipment, and other things
connected to the internet, which is designed to operate in a coordinated fashion to receive, process,
and interpret signals and take appropriate action.
It provides a seamless real-time interface between the physical and digital worlds by integrating
sensors with networking, computation, and actuation facilities. This book sketches a perspective of
the IoT with sensors as the focus of attention. Diverse applications of the IoT that are destined to
make an impact on our everyday lives in the near future are discussed.
It presents a comprehensive overview of the most recent sensor technologies used in the IoT to
keep the reader abreast of the current advances at the frontiers of knowledge.
The book will cater to student and professional audiences, and will be useful for postgraduate and
Ph.D. students studying physics, engineering, and computer science as well as researchers, engineers,
and industrial workers engaged in this fast-progressing field.
Key Features:
• Explains the basic concepts and important terms of 'Internet of Things' in simple language
• Provides an up-to-date coverage of the key sensors used in IoT applications
• Explores IoT applications in smart cities, smart agriculture, smart factory, and many more
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ISBN: 9781040156766
ISBN-10: 1040156762
Series: Series in Sensors
Published: 29th November 2024
Format: ePUB
Language: English
Publisher: CRC Press
Edition Number: 1
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