C.H.K. Williamson, Cornell Univ., USA; Opening lecture: Effects of unsteady separated flow phenomena in vortex-induced vibrations??????-abstract- ; T. Leweke, M.C. Thompson, G.J. Sheard, L. Schouveiler & K. Hourigan; Invited keynote lecture: Unsteady flow around impulsively stopped bluff bodies??????-abstract- ; M. Provansal & P. Monkewitz; Invited keynote lecture Vortex shedding dynamics in the laminar wakes of various bluff bodies (cylinders, spheres and cones)??????-abstract- ; M.S. Adaramola, D. Sumner & D.J. Bergstrom: Effect of velocity ratio on the streamwise vortex structures in the wake of a stack ; A. Fouras, D. Lo Jacono, G. J. Sheard & K. Hourigan: Measurement of instantaneous velocity and surface topography of a cylinder at low Reynolds number ; M. Gohlke, J.F. Beaudoin, M. Amielh & F. Anselmet: Effect of unsteady separation on an automotive bluff-body in cross-wind; K. Gumowski, J. Miedzik, S. Goujon-Durand, G. Bouchet, P. Jenffer & J.E. Wesfreid; Wake behind a sphere: experimental and numerical investigations; H. Park & H. Choi: Investigation of aerodynamic capabilities of flying fish in gliding flight ; R. Perrin, M. Braza, E. Cid, S. Cazin, P. Chassaing, C. Mockett, T. Reimann & F. Thiele: Coherent and turbulent process analysis in the flow past a circular cylinder at high Reynolds number ; D. Sumner, H.B. Hemingson, D.M. Deutscher & J.E. Barth: PIV measurements of the flow around oscillating cylinders at low KC numbers ; K.K.Y. Tsang, R.C.K. Leung & R.M.C. So; Unsteady force measurements of an airfoil undergoing dynamic stall at low Reynolds number; T. Weier, C. Ciepka & G. Gerbeth: Coherent structure eduction from PIV data of an electromagnetically forced separated flow; ?? Posters of Session I; M. Fuchiwaki & K. Tanaka: Detailed wake structure behind unsteady airfoils and characteristics of dynamic thrust ; S.C. Luo, T.T.L. Duong & Y.T. Chew: Flow separation of a rotating cylinder; S.D. Sharma & A.A. Kumar: Unsteady flow behind a blunt based POD model; ?? Session II: Statistical and hybrid turbulence modeling of unsteady separated flows; T. B. Gatski; Invited keynote lecture: Prediction methodologies for non-stationary turbulent flows??????-abstract- ; W. Haase; Invited keynote lecture: DESider - Detached Eddy Simulation for Industrial Aerodynamics; P. Sagaut; Invited keynote lecture: On the use of LES for flow control: the compressible cavity flow case??????-abstract- ; G. Barakos, S. Lawson, R. Steijl & Punit Nayyar: Assessment of flow control devices for transonic cavity flows using DES and LES; R. Bourguet, M. Braza, R. Perrin & G. Harran: Physical analysis of an anisotropic eddy viscosity concept for strongly detached unsteady flows; R. Elakoury, M. Braza, Y. Hoarau, J. Vos, G. Harran & A. Sevrain: Unsteady flow around a NACA0021 airfoil beyond stall at 60?? angle of attack; O. Frederich, U. Bunge, C. Mockett & F. Thiele: Flow prediction around an oscillating NACA0012 at Re=1000 000; E. Guilmineau & F. Chometon : Experimental and numerical study of unsteady wakes behind an oscillating car model; R.B. Langtry & P.R. Spalart: Detached Eddy Simulation of a nose landing-gear cavity; G. Martinat, M. Braza, G. Harran, A. Sevrain, Y. Hoarau & D. Favier: Dynamic stall of a pitching and horizontally oscillating airfoil ; C. Mockett, R. Perrin, T. Reimann, M. Braza & F. Thiele: Analysis of Detached-Eddy Simulation for the flow around a circular cylinder with reference to PIV data; J. Paik, C. Escauriaza & F. Sotiropoulos: On the coherent dynamics of turbulent junction flows ; M.V. Salvetti, B. Koobus, S. Camarri & A. Dervieu: Simulation of bluff-body flows through a hybrid RANS/VMS-LES model; S. Schmid, T. Lutz & E. Kr??mer: Simulation of the unsteady cavity flow of the stratospheric observatory for infrared astronomy; J.C. Uribe, N. Jarrin, R. Prosser & D. Laurence: Two-velocities hybrid RANS-LES of a trailing edge flow ; ?? Poster of Session II: I.A. Fedorchenko, N.N. Fedorova & U. Gaisbauer: Numerical simulation of non-steady supersonic double ramp flow by URANS approach; ?? Session III: Theoretical aspects & analytical approaches of flow separation; A. Kluwick, S. Braun & E.A. Cox; Invited keynote lecture: Near critical phenomena in laminar boundary layers; F.T. Smith & N.C. Ovenden; Invited keynote lecture: New applications with unsteady flow separation analysis??????-abstract- ; L. Baranyi: State curves and flipping for an orbiting cylinder at low Reynolds numbers; R. DasGupta & R. Govindarajan: Study of a lid-driven cavity in an axisymmetric geometry; U. Ehrenstein & F. Gallaire: Global low-frequency oscillations in a separating boundary-layer flow; J.J. Healey; Axisymmetric absolute instability of swirling jets; R.P. Logue, J.S.B. Gajjar & A.I. Ruban: Instability of supersonic compression ramp flow; P. Luchini, F. Giannetti & J. Pralits: Structural stability of the finite-amplitude vortex shedding behind a circular cylinder; B. Scheichl & A. Kluwick: Asymptotic theory of turbulent bluff-body separation: A novel shear layer scaling deduced from an investigation of the unsteady motion ; G.J. Sheard: Cylinders with elliptical cross-section: Wake stability with variation in angle of incidence ; V. Theofilis: Global instability and control of laminar separation bubbles. ?? Posters of Session III: F. Alizard & J.C. Robinet: Influence of 3D perturbations on separated flows; L. Baranyi: Orbiting cylinder at low Reynolds numbers; B.V. Bharati Laxmi & J.S.B. Gajjar: Global instability computations of separated flow; K. Debbagh & S. Saintlos Brillac: A two-dimensional disturbed flows over a flat plate: theoretical and numerical approach; ?? Session IV: Instability and transition; J.E. Wesfreid; Invited keynote lecture: Forced wakes; M.C. Thompson, K. Hourigan & J. Leontini; Invited keynote lecture: Wake transition of oscillating bluff bodies??????-abstract- ; K. Atvars, M.C. Thompson & K. Hourigan: Modification of the flow structures in a swirling jet; B. Carmo, S. Sherwin, P. Bearman & R. Willden: Wake transition in the flow around two circular cylinders in staggered arrangements; H. Djeridi, C. Sarraf & J.Y. Billard: Thickness effect of NACA symmetric hydrofoils on hydrodynamic behavior and boundary layer states; A. de Vecchi, S.J. Sherwin & J.M.R. Graham: Wake dynamics of external flow past a curved circular cylinder with the free-steam aligned with the plane of curvature; R. Elakoury, G. Martinat, M. Braza, R. Perrin, Y. Hoarau, G. Harran & D. Ruiz: Successive steps of 2D and 3D transition in the flow past a rotating circular cylinder at moderate Reynolds numbers; P. Fernandes, P. Ern, F. Risso & J. Magnaudet: Dynamics of oblate freely-rising bodies; D. Lucor & M.S. Triantafyllou: Parametric study of the two degree-of-freedom vortex-induced vibrations of a cylinder in a two-dimensional flow; A. Mihaiescu, H. Hangan, A. Straatman & J.E. Wesfreid: Vortex formation in black-step flow; V.D. Narasimhamurthy, H.I. Andersson & B. Pettersen: Direct numerical simulation of vortex shedding behind a linearly tapered circular cylinder; L. Schouveiler, M.C. Thompson, T. Leweke and K. Hourigan: Vortex dynamics associated with the impact of a cylinder with a wall; ?? Posters of Session IV: S. Behara & S. Mittal : Transition of boundary layer on a circular cylinder in uniform flow; B. Carmo, S. Sherwin, P. Bearman & R. Willden: Numerical simulation of the flow-induced vibration in the flow around two circular cylinders in tandem arrangements; R.S. Gioria & J.R. Meneghini: Three-dimensionalities of the flow around an oscillating circular cylinder; S. Srigrarom: Quasi-steady self-excited angular oscillation of equilateral triangular cylinder in 2-D separated flow; ?? Session V: Compressibility effects related to unsteady separation: J.P. Dussauge: Invited keynote lecture: Why do shock waves move in separated flows???????-abstract-; P. Doerffer: Invited keynote lecture: European research on unsteady effects of shock wave induced separation - UFAST Projet; R. Bourguet, M. Braza & G. Harran: Low-order modeling for unsteady separated compressible flows by POD-Galerkin Approach; J.D. Crouch, A. Garbaruk, D. Magidov & L. Jacquin: Global structure of buffeting flow on transonic airfoils; J.F. Debieve & P. Dupont: Dependance between shock and separation in a shock wave/boundary layer interaction; R.A. Humble, F. Scarano & B.W. Van Oudheusden: Unsteady flow organization of a shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interaction; P. Meliga, P. Reijasse & J.M. Chomaz: Effect of a serrated skirt on the buffeting phenomenon in transonic afterbody flows; J.C. Robinet: On the three-dimensionality of shock-wave / laminar boundary layer interaction; J. Ziefle & L. Kleiser: Compressibility effects on turbulent separated flow in a streamwise-periodic hill channel - Part1; ?? Posters of Session V: A. Hadjadj, S. Dubos & G. Ribert : Large Eddy Simulation of a supersonic turbulent boundary layer at M=2.25 ; P. Reijasse & L. Boccaletto: Film cooling mass flow rate influence on a separation shock in an axisymmetric nozzle Session VI: DNS and LES of unsteady separated flows: B.J. Geurts: Invited keynote lecture: Regularization modeling for large-eddy simulation of turbulent separated boundary layer flow??????-abstract- ; L. Georges, J.F. Thomas, G. Winckelmans & P. Geuzaine: Design and validation of a Large Eddy Simulation methodology for compressible shock-free flows on unstructured meshes; E. de Martel, E. Garnier & P. Sagaut: Large Eddy Simulation of impinging shock wave / turbulent boundary layer interaction at M=2.3; O. Marxen & D.S. Henningson: Direct numerical simulation of the bursting of a laminar separation bubble and evaluation of flow-control strategies; G. Palau-Salvador, T. Stoesser, J. Fr??hlich & W. Rodi: LES of the flow around two cylinders in tandem; M. Pino Martin & M. Wu : On coherent structures and low frequency motions of shock wave-turbulent boundary layer interactions via DNS; F. Richez, I. Mary, V. Gleize & C. Basdevant: Simulation and modelling of a laminar separation bubble on airfoils; G.J. Sheard, R.G. Evans, K.M. Denton & K. Hourigan: Undesirable haemodynamics in aneurysms; ?? Posters of Session VI: J. Hoessler, J.F. Beaudoin & F. Perot : Unsteady separated flow around the Ahmed body; J. Yao, O. Mouzoun, Y.F. Yao & P. Mason: Unsteady RANS Calculation of Flow over Ahmed Car Model; ?? Session VII: Theoretical/Industrial aspects of unsteady separated flow control: M. Triantafyllou: Invited keynote lecture: Unsteady separated flows and their control??????-abstract- ; T. Bewley; Invited keynote lecture: Multiscale retrograde estimation and forecasting of chaotic nonlinear systems??????-abstract-; C.M. Ho, S. Ho, P.K. Wong & H. Nassef: Invited keynote lecture: Control systems with large parameter spaces??????-abstract-; A. Dauptain, J. Favier & A. Bottaro: Invited keynote lecture: Hydrodynamics of beating cilia; N. Benard, J. Jolibois, M. Forte, G. Touchard & E. Moreau: Spreading and vectoring of a subsonic axisymmetric air jet by plasma actuator : a preliminary study; O. Cadot, B. Thiria & J.F. Beaudoin: Passive drag control of a turbulent wake by local disturbances; K.W. Cassel, C. Sardesai, S. Braun & A.I. Ruban: Sub-optimal control of unsteady separation in a channel; P. Compte, F. Daude & I. Mary : Simulation of the reduction of the unsteadiness in a passively-controlled transonic cavity flow; J. Favier, A. Kourta & L. Cordier: Accurate POD reduced-order models of separated flows ; B. G??nther, R. Becker, A. Carnarius, F. Thiele & R. King: Simulation study of a robust closed-loop control of a 2D high-lift configuration; S. Jeon & H. Choi : Linear proportional control of flow over a sphere; T.N. Jukes & K.S. Choi : Active control of a cylinder wake using surface plasma; V. Kitsios, A. Ooi, J. Soria & D.You: A numerical study of ZNMF jet lift enhancement of a NACA 0015 airfoil; E. Konstantinidis, C. Liang, G. Papadakis & S. Balabani: Control of the separated flow behind a circular cylinder by low forcing ??? Experiments and computations; D. Lo Jacono, J.N. Sorensen, M.C. Thompson & K. Hourigan: Control of vortex breakdown in a closed cylinder with a small rotating rod; G. Mutschke, T. Weier, T. Albrecht, G. Gerbeth & R. Grundmann: Electromagnetic control of separation at hydrofoils; H. Nagib, J. Keidaisch, D. Greenblatt, I. Wygnanski & A. Hassan: Flow control for rorocraft applications at flight Mach numbers; B. Protas : Vortex models for feedback stabilization of bluff body wake flows ; T. Stephens, C. Atkinson & J. Soria: The effect of zero-net-mass-flux jet geometry on active separation control of a NACA0015 airfoil; B. Stewart, K. Hourigan, M. Thompson & T. Leweke : The wake dynamics of a cylinder moving along a plane wall with rotation and translation; P.S. Vavilis & J.A. Ekaterinaris: Computational investigation of flow control over wing; D. You & P. Moin: Active control of flow separation over an airfoil using synthetic jets; ?? Posters of Session VII: R.E.A. Arndt & M. Wosnik: Towards the control of cavitating flows; R.M. Kerimbekov & O.R. Tutty: Active control of flows with trapped vortices; M.A. Langthjem & M. Nakano : A three-dimensional numerical study into non-axisymmetric perturbations of the hole-tone feedback cycle; A. Orellano & M. Schober: Flow control in high-speed train applications; M. Vanierschot & E. Van den Bulck : Flow control of annular jet expansion using cross-flow injection.