Jarvis's Health Assessment and Physical Examination
Australian and New Zealand
By: Helen Forbes, Elizabeth Watt
eText | 3 December 2024 | Edition Number 4
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The ideal student guide to assessing a person’s healthJarvis’s Health Assessment provides the foundational knowledge and skills every nurse needs to assess people’s health.
Written by leading academics and clinicians, this text will help the learner seamlessly combine their knowledge of human anatomy and physiology with clinical assessment, communication and clinical reasoning skills. Its logical structure covers key theories, frameworks, techniques, specific areas of human function and how to apply health assessment knowledge and skills in practice.
The fourth edition has been fully updated for Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand and is relevant for each year of the undergraduate or pre-registration curriculum across multiple subjects. It is accompanied by a wealth of learning and teaching resources to help learners grasp both theoretical and practical concepts.
Ideal for pre-registration course students, beginning and experienced registered nurses and those undertaking advanced practice roles
Clearly separates knowledge and skills for nurses at a beginning level and those who have clinical experience, making it easy for teachers and students to identify content relevant to their level of learning
Includes case studies to illustrate the initial parts of the clinical reasoning process and documentation of health assessments
Easy to navigate, with a clear structure and colour-coding
Extensive use of illustrations to clarify important anatomical and physiological concepts
Accompanying resources include videos showcasing physical examination skills, PowerPoints and summative MCQ test banks
A focus on person-centred care, health education, inclusive practice and lifespan considerations is embedded throughout
New to this edition
Fully updated, reflecting current practice and guidelines in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand
Restructured content to support learning
Significant revisions of chapters on screening for family violence and substance misuse
Revisions of chapters on communication skills
Further development of approaches to gender diversity and inclusion
Instructor resources on Evolve
Instructor teaching and learning guide
Image collection
Test banks
New semester planner - embedding Elsevier solutions into your course
New mapping guide - cross-referencing to Elsevier foundational content
Student and instructor resources on Evolve
Skills videos
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ISBN: 9780729598149
ISBN-10: 0729598144
Published: 3rd December 2024
Format: ePUB
Language: English
Publisher: Elsevier Limited (UK)
Edition Number: 4