Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2024, the 55th edition of this series, includes the most recently available economic, financial, social, and environmental indicators for the 49 regional members of the Asian Development Bank. It presents the latest key statistics on development issues concerning the economies of Asia and the Pacific to a broad audience, including policymakers, development practitioners, government officials, researchers, students, and the general public. Section I of this issue provides an overview of the Asia and Pacific region's progress on climate action under Sustainable Development Goal 13, emphasizing the urgent need for strong policy interventions. Section II reviews the availability of appropriate climate change data in the context of the Global Set of Climate Change Statistics and Indicators, highlighting significant statistical gaps that must be addressed. Section III considers the value of geographically granular data for tailored policies—from identifying emissions hot spots to pinpointing vulnerable communities. Section IV discusses the need to strengthen statistical capacity and address key challenges, promising initiatives, and essential collaborations to improve the availability, granularity, timeliness, and accuracy of climate change data. This publication is available online at, where additional tables containing greater detail on each of the 49 economies can also be accessed. Data relating to this 55th edition, including individual economy tables, are also available at