Part I: The Leopard Gecko's World.Chapter 1: What Is a Gecko?
Lizards as Pets.
How Geckos Are Like Other Reptiles.
How Geckos Are Different.
Humans and Geckos.
Chapter 2: What Makes the Leopard Gecko Special?
All in the Subfamily.
Natural Habitat of the Leopard Gecko.
Is a Leopard Gecko the Right Pet for You?
The Perfect Lizard Pet.
Chapter 3: Colors, Patterns, and Phases.
The Language of Variation.
Part II: Caring for Your Leopard Gecko.
Chapter 4: Choosing Your Leopard Gecko.
Where to Shop.
The Ideal Age.
Re-grown Tails.
When You've Chosen Your Leopard Gecko.
Environmental Ethics.
Captive Bred vs. Wild Caught.
Chapter 5: Housing Your Leopard Gecko.
The Vivarium.
Understanding and Avoiding Salmonella.
Building a Custom Habitat.
Cleaning Your Leopard Gecko's Habitat.
Chapter 6: Feeding Your Leopard Gecko.
What to Feed.
How to Feed.
Vitamins and Minerals.
How to Keep and Gut Load Crickets.
Wild-Caught Invertebrates.
Chapter 7: Keeping Your Leopard Gecko Healthy.
Choosing a Veterinarian.
Common Health Problems.
Part III: Behavior and Breeding.
Chapter 8: Your Leopard Gecko's Behavior.
Home Alone.
Your Gecko's Personality.
The Outside World.
Change of Seasons.
Handling a Leopard Gecko.
Chapter 9: Breeding Leopard Geckos.
Sexing Leopard Geckos.
Breeding Age.
The Right Time of Year.
The Mating.
Chapter 10: Hatching and Raising Baby Geckos.
Choosing an Incubation Medium.
Choosing Egg Containers.
Moving the Eggs.
Caring for the Eggs.
Maintaining Moisture Levels during Incubation.
Maintaining Proper Temperatures.
The Hatching.
Raising Young Leopard Geckos.
Appendix: Learning More About Your Leopard Gecko.
Some Good Books.
Herpetological Societies.
Internet Resources.