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New Edition
Available: 26th March 2025
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A Hands-On Way to Learning Data Analysis
Part of the core of statistics, linear models are used to make predictions and explain the relationship between the response and the predictors. Understanding linear models is crucial to a broader competence in the practice of statistics. Linear Models with R, Third Edition explains how to use linear models in physical science, engineering, social science, and business applications. The book incorporates several improvements that reflect how the world of R has greatly expanded since the publication of the second edition.
New to the Third Edition
- 40% more content with more explanation and examples throughout
- New chapter on sampling featuring simulation-based methods
- Model assessment methods discussed
- Explanation chapter expanded to include introductory ideas about causation
- Model interpretation in the presence of transformation
- Crossvalidation for model selection
- Chapter on regularization now includes the elastic net
- More on multiple comparisons and the use of marginal means
- Discussion of design and power
Like its widely praised, best-selling predecessor, this edition combines statistics and R to seamlessly give a coherent exposition of the practice of linear modeling. The text offers up-to-date insight on essential data analysis topics, from estimation, inference, and prediction to missing data, factorial models, and block designs. Numerous examples illustrate how to apply the different methods using R.
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ISBN: 9781040275863
ISBN-10: 1040275869
Series: Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science
Available: 26th March 2025
Format: ePUB
Language: English
Publisher: CRC Press
Edition Number: 3