Venture to twenty-eight cities around the world in this colorfully illustrated collection of maps that take you on a journey through history, culture, and geography.
On each page, you'll visit a different city. And in each city, you'll explore the metaphorical resonance between the physical metropolis and its inhabitants, history, and culture. In the hands of a creative cartographer, Manhattan is dissected in an anatomical diagram, the streets of Monaco trace the form of a Picasso nude, and the crisscrossing paths of boats on the Bosphorus become the nerves of Istanbul.
Travel as you never have traveled before, and revel in the details that define urban life. By laying bare the bone, muscle, and sinew of twenty-eight cities, these maps reveal the unique spirit of each one and shed light on the strange and marvelous ways in which humans interact with the places they call home.
Witty and insightful, this book will capture the imaginations of travelers, map enthusiasts, history buffs, and dreamers.